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The unknown task - Event

South Maximus

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Castigatorii rundei 17 sunt/ The winners of the round 17 are:

Locul 1: @@Gisele, - 3 pct

Locul 2: @@HG Bagwell, - 2 pct

Locul 3: - @, - 1 pct


Gisele - 29 puncte

Bagwell - 26 puncte

[T4L]LTERAIL - 24 puncte

[Cr - 12 puncte

Vevo. - 3 puncte

Djmix - 3 puncte

Necomercial - 2 puncte

Zarkon. - 1 punct

Spawn. - 1 punct

ATENTIE! Runda numarul 18 a evenimentului "The unknown task" incepe acum. Sarcina acestei runde-> Fotografiaza-te in timpul unui meci de Paintball executand anim-ul [/wave] cu o arma de tip M4 in mana.

Doar raspunsurile postate dupa modelul dat de mine vor fi luate in considerare. MULT SUCCES!

ATTENTION! The round number 18 of "The unknown task" is beginning now. The task of this round -> Capture yourself during a paintball match while executing the [/wave] anim with a M4 weapon in your hand.

Only the answers posted after the model given by me will be considered. GOOD LUCK!

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Castigatorii rundei 18 sunt/ The winners of the round 18 are:

Locul 1: @@Gisele, - 3 pct

Locul 2: @@HG Bagwell, - 2 pct

Locul 3: - @, - 1 pct


Gisele - 32 puncte

Bagwell - 28 puncte

[T4L]LTERAIL - 25 puncte

[Cr - 12 puncte

Vevo. - 3 puncte

Djmix - 3 puncte

Necomercial - 2 puncte

Zarkon. - 1 punct

Spawn. - 1 punct

ATENTIE! Runda numarul 19 a evenimentului "The unknown task" incepe acum. Sarcina acestei runde-> Fotografiaza-te langa o servieta din cadrul cautarii "7 Ani Impreuna".

Doar raspunsurile postate dupa modelul dat de mine vor fi luate in considerare. MULT SUCCES!

ATTENTION! The round number 19 of "The unknown task" is beginning now. The task of this round -> Capture yourself near a "7 Days Together" quest's briefcase.

Only the answers posted after the model given by me will be considered. GOOD LUCK!

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Castigatorii rundei 19 sunt/ The winners of the round 19 are:

Locul 1: @@Gisele, - 3 pct

Locul 2: @@HG Bagwell, - 2 pct

Locul 3: - @, - 1 pct


Gisele - 35 puncte

Bagwell - 30 puncte

[T4L]LTERAIL - 26 puncte

[Cr - 12 puncte

Vevo. - 3 puncte

Djmix - 3 puncte

Necomercial - 2 puncte

Zarkon. - 1 punct

Spawn. - 1 punct

ATENTIE! Runda cu numarul 20 a evenimentului "The unknown task" incepe acum. Sarcina acestei runde-> Fotografiaza-te langa un delfin.

Doar raspunsurile postate dupa modelul dat de mine vor fi luate in considerare. MULT SUCCES!

ATTENTION! The round with the number 20 of "The unknown task" is beginning now. The task of this round -> Capture yourself near a dolphin.

Only the answers posted after the model given by me will be considered. GOOD LUCK!

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Castigatorii rundei 20 sunt/ The winners of the round 20 are:

Locul 1: @@Gisele, - 3 pct

Locul 2: @, - 2 pct

Locul 3: - - - 1 pct


Gisele - 38 puncte

Bagwell - 30 puncte

[T4L]LTERAIL - 27 puncte

[Cr - 12 puncte

Vevo. - 3 puncte

Djmix - 3 puncte

Necomercial - 2 puncte

Zarkon. - 1 punct

Spawn. - 1 punct

ATENTIE! Runda cu numarul 21 a evenimentului "The unknown task" incepe acum. Sarcina acestei runde-> Fotografiaza-te in fata barului "The Craw Bar" (localizat in Las Venturas).

Doar raspunsurile postate dupa modelul dat de mine vor fi luate in considerare. MULT SUCCES!

ATTENTION! The round with the number 21 of "The unknown task" is beginning now. The task of this round -> Capture yourself in front of "The Craw Bar" bar (located in Las Venturas).

Only the answers posted after the model given by me will be considered. GOOD LUCK!

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Castigatorii rundei 21 sunt/ The winners of the round 21 are:

Locul 1: @, - 3 pct

Locul 2: @@Reming, - 2 pct

Locul 3: - @@Gisele, - 1 pct


Gisele - 39 puncte

Bagwell - 30 puncte

[T4L]LTERAIL - 30 puncte

[Cr - 12 puncte

Vevo. - 3 puncte

Djmix - 3 puncte

Necomercial - 2 puncte

Zarkon. - 1 punct

Spawn. - 1 punct

Reming - 1 punct

ATENTIE! Runda cu numarul 22 a evenimentului "The unknown task" incepe acum. Sarcina acestei runde-> Fotografiaza-te intr-un autobuz langa un elicopter.

Doar raspunsurile postate dupa modelul dat de mine vor fi luate in considerare. MULT SUCCES!

ATTENTION! The round with the number 22 of "The unknown task" is beginning now. The task of this round -> Capture yourself in a bus near a helicopter.

Only the answers posted after the model given by me will be considered. GOOD LUCK!

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Castigatorii rundei 22 sunt/ The winners of the round 22 are:

Locul 1: @@Gisele, - 3 pct

Locul 2: @, - 2 pct

Locul 3: - - - 1 pct


Gisele - 42 puncte

[T4L]LTERAIL - 32 puncte

Bagwell - 30 puncte

[Cr - 12 puncte

Vevo. - 3 puncte

Djmix - 3 puncte

Necomercial - 2 puncte

Zarkon. - 1 punct

Spawn. - 1 punct

Reming - 1 punct

ATENTIE! Runda cu numarul 23 a evenimentului "The unknown task" incepe acum. Sarcina acestei runde-> Fotografiaza-te langa o statuie Tiki.

Doar raspunsurile postate dupa modelul dat de mine vor fi luate in considerare. MULT SUCCES!

ATTENTION! The round with the number 23 of "The unknown task" is beginning now. The task of this round -> Capture yourself near a Tiki statue.

Only the answers posted after the model given by me will be considered. GOOD LUCK!

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Castigatorii rundei 23 sunt/ The winners of the round 23 are:

Locul 1: @@Gisele, - 3 pct

Locul 2: @, - 2 pct

Locul 3: - - - 1 pct


Gisele - 45 puncte

[T4L]LTERAIL - 34 puncte

Bagwell - 30 puncte

[Cr - 12 puncte

Vevo. - 3 puncte

Djmix - 3 puncte

Necomercial - 2 puncte

Zarkon. - 1 punct

Spawn. - 1 punct

Reming - 1 punct

ATENTIE! Runda cu numarul 24 a evenimentului "The unknown task" incepe acum. Sarcina acestei runde-> Fotografiaza-te langa 2 instructori.

Doar raspunsurile postate dupa modelul dat de mine vor fi luate in considerare. MULT SUCCES!

ATTENTION! The round with the number 24 of "The unknown task" is beginning now. The task of this round -> Capture yourself near 2 instructors.

Only the answers posted after the model given by me will be considered. GOOD LUCK!

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Castigatorii rundei 24 sunt/ The winners of the round 24 are:

Locul 1: @, - 3 pct

Locul 2: @@Gisele, - 2 pct

Locul 3: - - - 1 pct


Gisele - 47 puncte

[T4L]LTERAIL - 37 puncte

Bagwell - 30 puncte

[Cr - 12 puncte

Vevo. - 3 puncte

Djmix - 3 puncte

Necomercial - 2 puncte

Zarkon. - 1 punct

Spawn. - 1 punct

Reming - 1 punct

ATENTIE! Ultima runda a evenimentului "The unknown task" incepe acum. Sarcina acestei runde-> Fotografiaza-te langa mine ([AT]Maximus.rtv).

Doar raspunsurile postate dupa modelul dat de mine vor fi luate in considerare. MULT SUCCES!

ATTENTION! The last round of "The unknown task" is beginning now. The task of this round -> Capture yourself near me ([AT]Maximus.rtv).

Only the answers posted after the model given by me will be considered. GOOD LUCK!

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