Kelton Posted July 26, 2015 Share Posted July 26, 2015 Sistemul de amenzi pentru scor negativ la war a suferit niște modificări în ceea ce privește sumele pe care gangsterii trebuiesc să le plătească.Noile amenzi sunt următoarele:Scor de -5 la war: $5.000. Neplata amenzii duce la sancționarea cu Faction Warn.Scor de -10 la war: $7.000. Neplata amenzii duce la sancționarea cu Faction Warn.Scor mai mare de -15 la war: se va sancționa direct cu Faction Warn.Acestea sunt singurele modificări făcute. Administrația B-Zone English The ticket system for negative score at wars has suffered some modifications regarding the sums that gangsters need to pay.The new tickets are as follows:Score of -5 at war: $5.000. Not paying the ticket will lead in receiving a Faction Warn.Score of -10 at war: $7.000. Not paying the ticket will lead in receiving a Faction Warn.Score worst than -15 at war: you will get punished directly with a Faction Warn.These are the only modifications made. The B-Zone Administration 13 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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