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B-Olympics Summer 2015 - Proba 1 - Run hard

Black Thief

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Run hard

Data & ora: Marti, 18.08.2015, 15:00

Tip proba: Cursa (Sprint)

Tip participare: Grup

Numar de membrii: 2

Descriere: Toti participantii se vor alinia la start si vor trebui sa parcurga traseul alergand. Primii 3 jucatori care ajung la final vor castiga.

Imagini/video: Click.

Reguli suplimentare pentru aceasta proba:

- Daca doi membrii ai aceleasi factiuni castiga 2 locuri, factiunea va primi un singur loc pe podium.

For english press on spoiler:

Date & hour: Tuesday, 18.08.2015, 15:00

Event type: Race (Sprint)

Participation type: Group

Number of members: 2

Description: All participants will make a line at the start line and they need to run all the way to the end. The first 3 players to reach the finish line will win.

Imagini/video: Click.

Additional rules for this event:

- If 2 members of the same faction wins 2 places, the faction will gain only one place on the podium.

Edited by South Black Thief
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Run hard

Locul 1 - 4l3xGTN - Avispa Rifa - Gold medal - 3 puncte

Locul 2 - ups.pro - Green Street Bloods - Silver medal - 2 puncte

Locul 3 - Sparros - Red Dragon Triad - Bronze medal - 1 punct

Felicitari tuturor!



Edited by South Black Thief
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