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B-Olympics Summer 2015 - Proba 2 - Transporter's trial

Black Thief

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Transporter's trial

Data & ora: Marti, 18.08.2015, 20:00

Tip proba: Cursa (Drag)

Tip participare: Duet

Numar de membrii: 1

Descriere: Se vor desfasura mai multe runde. Cate 2 jucatori se vor alinia la start si vor concura. Castigatorul fiecarei runde va trece mai departe. Dupa primul set, din 24 de factiuni, vor ramane 12. Din al doilea set vor ramane 6 factiuni. Din al treilea set vor ramane 3 factiuni. Finala se joaca intre cele 3 ramase, fiecare ocupand un loc (1, 2, 3).

Imagini/video: Click.

Reguli suplimentare pentru aceasta proba:

- Daca liderul doreste, soferii se pot schimba dupa fiecare set.

For english press on spoiler:

Date & hour: Tuesday, 18.08.2015, 20:00

Event type: Race (Drag)

Participation type: Group

Number of members: 1

Description: There will be 4 rounds. 2 players will line at the start point and race. The winner will go in the next round. Following this scheme, after the first set, from 24 factions, there will be left only 12. After the second set, there will be 6 and after the third set, only 3. The final will be held by the 3 finalists, so each of them will get one place on the podium (1, 2, or 3).

Imagini/video: Click.

Additional rules for this event:

- If the leader wants to, the drivers can be replaced after each set.

Edited by South Black Thief
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Transporter's Trial

Locul 1 - James - Los Santos Police Department - Gold medal - 3 puncte

Locul 2 - PiKKoLLo - News Reporters - Silver medal - 2 puncte

Locul 3 - FreeLandeR - Las Venturas Police Department - Bronze medal - 1 punct

Felicitari tuturor!



Edited by South Black Thief
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