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ScN.Capone Paintball B-zone RPG 3.


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Frumos videoclip, nu te mai lauda.


PS: Alta data poate nu-mi mai furi stilu de a scrie, ai copiat exact textul de la Westbrook investigheaza #1.. Macar da-mi creditele.


PS2.: Bafta pe viitor si fii original.


PS3: De aici a fost copiat textul: http://forum.b-zone.ro/topic/286051-b-zone-tv-westbrook-investigheaza-1-ceata-ciudata-remove-widescreen/#entry4388912

Edited by Faust al VIII lea
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Blackbars, rezolutie 800x600 pe 16 bit, bandicam trial si lag pe SA:MP.

E reteta speciala pt. rromanul tau mediu care se filmeaza la paintball.

Eh, macar asta n-are manele.


PS: FELICITARI BRAVO +1 kkep up god work!!!111!!!!

Edited by BoomBaQ
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