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[B-Zone Battle] Rappa vs EKATE

R a p p a

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  • Numele meu : R a p p a

  • Numele celui provocat : EKATE

Tema luptei : http://zxvlad.tumblr.com/post/135591211090/alecsgrg-seeking-shelter-in-a-sequoia-tree

Dimensiuni ( maxima/ minima ): 150x250 / 150x300

Deadline time posting : 24h

Edited by EKATE
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nu mi se par stralucite, amandoua sunt lq dar v1 arata infinit mai bine, o poza cu un asa contrast ca la v2 probabil o poti face si in pizap sau picasa daca nu ma insel, cat despre redimensionare, n-ai cum sa-ti dai seama daca e buna la un asa stock, pare ok la ambele.


votez v1

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