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Suggestions about the English Forum


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mY suggestion is :


* open again [ dissection english forum ] but if someone breaks rules , he will be warned directly


We're not going to open it again.

Suggestion Rejected.


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@, General Discussios Topic has been remeoved because of spammers and +1 Posting by members. so we decided to delete it For ever.

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My suggestion is :


to open a topic puting in it the solutions of problems that have been solved here on forum to be like a reference for members who suffer from problems . so they must just take a look in the topic befor post a topic on forum .


I think it's a good suggestion .

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My suggestion is :


to open a topic puting in it the solutions of problems that have been solved here on forum to be like a reference for members who suffer from problems . so they must just take a look in the topic befor post a topic on forum .


I think it's a good suggestion .


We already have enough pined topics we don't need to create any new TOPIC for now.


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@ - This is suggestion topic, you can't ask your questions here. Anyways, if you have spent 50 euro on clienti, you can make a ticket on clienti. When you have spent 50e, Submit a ticket saying "I've spent 50 euro on clienti and i would like to be donator on forum and here is my profile link: http://forum.b-zone.ro/user/70381-mitjamb/"

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In this topic we are discuss about server's discussion or Discussion about this English Forum ?Because if this is the server's discussion so I have a suggestion about the server to post on forum so and if it's just English Forum's Discussion/Suggestion so answer me please.

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@, as the topic name say this topic for suggestions about the english forum.

Is not linked Directly to any server, this is forum for english players in B-Zone and this topic no discussion,

if you have idea for english forum you should post here what your idea and if it will accepted It will implemented.

and it need be connection to English forum

Understand ?

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, like what Omer has replied, this is not for server suggestions. If you want to make a server suggestion, you can go here. However, the server owner has closed it and that means you can't open new topics. It will re-open in another month or so. Once it re-opens and you want to make a suggestion, make sure you follow the posting model. Also, most importantly, you must check if your idea has already been suggested by other people. A lot of people made that mistake by repeating what has already been proposed by others.

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My suggestion is to make a new pinned folder with all the tutorials made. Secondly,and if it is possible,to delete all these useless topics like "hi" or "help me" made by newbies or for those who needed +1 and then pretended they didn't know it is against the rules


There's already a topic which contains tutorials related to the server and we won't pin another topic because there are enough topics which are already pinned.

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To add on to what was already answered, we try not to add ALL the tutorials made by other people into our pinned guide topic. We usually look for tutorials that haven't been made before in the past, not to mention detailed ones.

As for your second suggestion, there are too many 'Hi' topics and we would need to filter them all out including the ones back from 2010. Regarding the 'Help me' topics, why should we delete them? The whole purpose of the English forum is to help people, especially newbies. We will leave it for now.

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@armaan, simply move all tutorials from the forum to the tutorials topic already made then



* I reply to support my opinion,not to discuss or for +1

Help me or hi topics were just examples. We got 14 pages at English forum,minus the pinned aka important topics. There are tutorials that should be stored,and pointless topics to be deleted,such as unban me,gossip news from gossip girl Yok etc. I am not going to analyze it any further. Regarding the helpme topics,why have to browse 14 pages to find what you need while you can ask at technical support or questions topic,and get a question in no time from people who are willing to help? Like you,carn and everyone here of course

English forum should be like an official's clan forum. 8-10 topics,basically categories of topics,so everything is organized.

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simply move all tutorials from the forum to the tutorials topic already made then


Read the first part of my post above. I will not repeat myself.


pointless topics to be deleted,such as unban me,gossip news from gossip girl Yok etc.


I've already started a few days ago actually by moving spam topics to the trash can. I will continue to remove more irrelevant topics.


why have to browse 14 pages to find what you need while you can ask at technical support or questions topic

That is why we allow everyone to open new topics now whenever they have questions to ask. It's easier. The old rule was: Please post at Topic X if you have questions about the server. Please post at Topic Y if you have questions about the forum. Unfortunately, tonnes of people broke that rule and still made new topics, so we changed it.


English forum should be like an official's clan forum. 8-10 topics,basically categories of topics,so everything is organized.

The English forum should be straightforward and direct. Newbies do not have the time to read 8-10 pinned topics/categories. Suggestion rejected.


Please do not elaborate the same suggestions here any further. Kindly drop me a PM if you are unsatisfied.

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@@Gisele - I don't know why you made the rule of adding "[HELP]' as prefix. Most of the members don't read the rules before posting. English forum is for help, members post here for help only, nothing else. English Forum is not for tutorials, there are different forums to post tutorials, its for both english / romanian speaking members. You can copy those stuff in guide topic. Or you suggest bobo to open sub-forums for tutorial topics.

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@ Take a look here: http://forum.b-zone.ro/forum/57-support/, http://forum.b-zone.ro/forum/211-bug-reports/, http://forum.b-zone.ro/forum/2298-website-bugs/. They have prefixes. It's to look neater and more organized. Secondly, placing tutorials here gives easier access for English players. Hence, the prefixes are used to differentiate between help and tutorials.

Suggestions rejected.
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