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Ajutor la Hitman 4 Blood money


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Am instalat jocul a 2-a oara si imi da urmatoarea eroare

"This application has faled to start because d3x9_27.dll was not found.Re-installing the appliction mai fix the problem"

Mentionez ca am Windows Service Pack 3

Sper sa ma ajutati.......

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Guest Pinguinu13

ai pus cracku? daca e arhiva intra in daemon tool fai imagine intra in folder si vezi ca trebuie sa fie un folder (ex crack sau hoodlum sau deviance intri acolo si copiezi cei acolo tre sa fie 2-3 fisiere si le pui in folderu de la joc )

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Omule daca a si zis "This application has faled to start because d3x9_27.dll was not found.Re-installing the appliction mai fix the problem".


Nu gaseste un dll. Trebuie sa RE-INSTALEZI jocul.


@ Pinguin : daca ... chiar esti | | nu te baga .. nici macar n-ai citit primu' post sau l-ai citit si nu stii o boaba de engleza.

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Guest Bill

Reinstaleaza jocul, restarteaza calculatorul, reinstaleaza DirectX-ul sau fa-ti update la driverul pentru placa video.

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