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Problema san andreas sau sa-mp sau nush


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Deci , nu stiu ce s-a intamplat , cand vroiam sa intru in San Andreas , imi ajungea pana la " Server Connecting..." , de acolo se bloca tot .

Am vrut sa dezinstalez din cotrol panel si nu am putut , scria " Error loading C:\PROGRA~1\INSTAL~1\PROFES~1\RunTime\10\50\Intel32\Ctor.dll" iar mai jos scrie : " The specified module could not be found."


Ma rog , intru pe google , iau Ctor.dll si apoi imi scrie " Setup has experienced an error. (titlul)"


Apoi , incepe " Please do the following:

-Close any running programs

-Empty your temporary folder

-Check your Internet connection ( Internet-based Setups )


Then try to run the Setup again.


Error code: -6003 " .


Ok , intru la sa-mp sa intru pe server si imi apare acea eroare cu " Don't send " sau "Send Error Report" Nu pot sterge deloc San Andreas ( uninstall din control panel , din D a mers ) nu pot intra deloc , ce fac?

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