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SF Police Department - 🚩 Misiunea săptămânii / Challenge of the week 🚩

South Alin

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Castigatorii misiunii săptămânii 30.08.2021 - 05.09.2021 sunt: 


Locul 1: XeNoNe $125000 + 1 raport optional

Locul 2: .Walker $100000 + 1 raport optional

Locul 3: Dutchman $50000 + 1 raport optional



Misiunea saptamanii 06.09.2021 - 12.09.2021:


Misiunea de saptamana aceasta a fost sugerata de colegul nostru .Walker si consta in aterizarea pe varful cladirii inalte din fata HQ-ului FBI. Multumim .Walker pentru idee.


Detalii cladire: https://imgur.com/a/B0RekMF


Premii (in functie de ordinea cronologica a postarilor):

Locul 1:  $125000 + 1 raport optional

Locul 2:  $75000 + 1 raport optional

Locul 3:  $50000 + 1 raport optional





-Va trebui sa postati fie doua imagini: cand sunteti in aer si apoi pe varful cladirii sau o filmare cand aterizati pe varful cladirii. 

-Folositi modelul de postare din acest topic;

-Pozele trebuie sa includa hud-ul obisnuit (numele vostru, numele serverului, data, ora).



For English:


or here:



The winners of the mission of the week  30.08.2021 - 05.09.2021  are: 


1st place: XeNoNe  $ 125000 + 1  optional report

2nd place: .Walker  $ 100,000 + 1  optional report

3rd place: Dutchman  $ 50,000 + 1 optional report



Mission of the week  06.09.2021 - 12.09.2021:


This week's mission was suggested by our colleague .Walker and consists of landing on top of the tall building in front of the FBI HQ. Thanks .Walker for the idea.


Building details:  https://imgur.com/a/B0RekMF


Awards (depending on the chronological order of the posts):

1st place: $ 125,000 + 1 optional report  

2nd place :   $ 75000 + 1 optional report

3rd place:   $ 50,000 + 1 optional report





-You will have to post either two images: when you are in the air and then on top of the building or a video when you land on top of the building. 

-Use the post template from this topic;

-Photos must include the usual hud (your name, server name, date, time).




Edited by South MrJelly
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Castigatorii misiunii săptămânii 06.09.2021 - 12.09.2021 sunt: 


Locul 1: Pedro $125000 + 1 raport optional

Locul 2: Nico $100000 + 1 raport optional

Locul 3: XeNoNe $50000 + 1 raport optional



Misiunea saptamanii 13.09.2021 - 19.09.2021:


Cele mai multe evenimente (/event) castigate pana la 19.09.2021 23:59


Premii (in functie de numarul evenimentelor castigate):

Locul 1:  $125000 + 1 raport optional SAU invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta 

Locul 2:  $75000 + 1 raport optional SAU invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta 

Locul 3:  $50000 + 1 raport optional SAU invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta 





-Scrieti in postare daca doriti raport optional sau invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta;

-Pot fi orice fel de evenimente, puteti posta pana la 19.09.2021 23:59 si puteti edita postarile in limita impusa de forum (24h);

-Pozele trebuie sa contina mesajul pe /e al organizatorului/helperului cu nume;e castigatorului SAU mesajul de la server cum ca ati castigat evenimentul (cel cu galben);

-Folositi modelul de postare din acest topic;

-Pozele trebuie sa includa hud-ul obisnuit (numele vostru, numele serverului, data, ora).



For English:


or here:





The winners of the mission of the week  06.09.2021 - 12.09.2021  are:  

1st place: Pedro  $ 125,000 + 1  optional report
2nd place: Nico  $ 100,000 + 1  optional report
3rd place: XeNoNe  $ 50,000 + 1 optional report


Mission of the week  13.09.2021 - 19.09.2021: 

Most events (/event) won until 19.09.2021 23:59 

Awards (depending on the number of events won):

1st place: $ 125,000 + 1 optional report OR 1 bonus training/meeting pass request
2nd place :   $ 75000 + 1 optional report  OR 1 bonus training/meeting pass request
3rd place:   $ 50,000 + 1 optional report  OR 1 bonus training/meeting pass request
-Write in the post if you want an optional report or 1 bonus training/meeting pass request
-It can be any kind of events, you can post until 19.09.2021 23:59 and you can edit the posts within the limit imposed by the forum (24h);
- The pictures must contain the message of the organizer / helper naming the winner (/e) OR the message from the server that you won the event (the one in yellow);
-Use the post template from this topic;
-Photos must include the usual hud (your name, server name, date, time).





Edited by South MrJelly
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Castigatorii misiunii saptamanii  13.06.2021 - 19.07.2021 sunt: 


Pedro, ideea era ca tu sa castigi cat mai multe evenimente. 


Locul 1: XeNoNe: $125000 + 1 raport optional



Misiunea saptamanii 20.07.2021 - 26.07.2021


Cele mai multe anunturi (/ad) si evenimente informative (/event) cu privire la aplicatiile deschise SFPD



Locul 1 cu cele mai multe puncte: $125000 + 1 raport optional SAU invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta 

Locul 2 cu cele mai multe puncte: $75000 + 1 raport optional SAU invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta 

Locul 3 cu cele mai multe puncte: $50000 + 1 raport optional SAU invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta 



-Un anunt postat = 1 punct; un eveniment facut = 5 puncte, primii 3 cu cele mai multe puncte castiga, nu conteaza premiul pe care il oferiti la eveniment, nu este obligatoriu sa faceti si eveniment pentru a castiga;

-Pozele se fac in momentul in care anuntul se publica pe server catre toti jucatorii, iar la evenimente faceti poza la /event sau in momentul in care scrieti mesajul pe /e;

-Poate fi orice mesaj vreti voi, dar sa se inteleaga ca SFPD recruteaza noi membri, iar aplicatiile se fac pe website-ul serverului;

-Minimul de anunturi este 15 pentru a putea castiga, fara minim de evenimente;

-Pozele nu trebuie editate, trebuie sa includa numele serverului, numele vostru, ora si data (hud-ul obisnuit);

-Folositi modelul de postare din acest topic;

-Anunturile guvernamentale (/gov) sunt excluse.



For English:


or here:



The winners of the mission of the week   13.06.2021 - 19.07.2021  are: 


Pedro, the idea was for you to win as many events as possible. 


1st place: XeNoNe:  $ 125,000 + 1 optional activity report



Mission of the week  20.07.2021 - 26.07.2021


Most announcements (/ad) and informative events (/event) regarding SFPD open applications



1st place  with the most points:  $ 125,000 + 1 optional activity report OR  1 bonus training/meeting pass request

2nd place  with the most points:  $ 75000 + 1 optional activity report OR  1 bonus training/meeting pass request

3rd place  with the most points:  $ 50,000 + 1 optional activity report OR 1 bonus training/meeting pass request



-An ad posted = 1 point; an event done = 5 points, the first 3 with the most points win, no matter the prize you offer at the event, it is not mandatory to do an event to win;

-Photos are taken when the announcement is published on the server to all players, and at events take a picture at / event or when you write the message on / s;

-It can be any message you want, but it should be understood that SFPD recruits new members, and the applications are made on the server's website;

-The minimum number of ads is 15 to be able to win, without a minimum of events;

-Photos should not be edited, they should include the server name, your name, time and date (regular hud);

-Use the post template from this topic;

-Government announcements (/ gov) are excluded.




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Castigatorii misiunii saptamanii  20.09.2021 - 26.09.2021 sunt: 


Locul 1: XeNoNe (GhitaPoweristul): $125000 + 1 raport optional



Misiunea saptamanii 27.09.2021 - 03.10.2021


Va trebui sa ajungeti cu un Infernus in acest loc: https://imgur.com/rCThO5G (pe acoperisul bisericii din SF)

Hint-uri: https://imgur.com/Leke2HT si https://imgur.com/xyVC3zJ


Premii (in functie de ordinea cronologica a postarilor): 

Locul 1: $125000 + 1 raport optional SAU invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta 

Locul 2: $75000 + 1 raport optional SAU invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta 

Locul 3: $50000 + 1 raport optional SAU invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta 



-Folositi modelul de postare din acest topic;

-Este o misiune stunt, deci va trebui sa filmati stunt-ul si sa il postati aici. Nu trebuie sa cadeti cu infernusul de pe acoperis, trebuie sa ramaneti acolo cateva secunde;

-Videoclipul nu trebuie sa fie editat, trebuie sa includa numele serverului, numele vostru, ora si data (hud-ul obisnuit);

-Va trebui sa alegeti intre raport optional sau invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta, scrieti in modelul de postare alegerea voastra.



For English:


or here:



The winners of the mission of the week   20.09.2021 - 26.09.2021  are: 


1st place: XeNoNe (GhitaPoweristul):  $ 125,000 + 1 optional activity report



Mission of the week 27.09.2021 - 03.10.2021


You will have to get with a Infernus in this place:  https://imgur.com/rCThO5G  (on the roof of the SF church)

Hints: https://imgur.com/Leke2HT  and  https://imgur.com/xyVC3zJ


Awards (depending on the chronological order of the posts): 

1st place: $ 125000 + 1 optional report  OR 1 optional activity report OR  1 bonus training/meeting pass request

2nd place: $ 75000 + 1 optional report  OR 1 optional activity report OR  1 bonus training/meeting pass request

3rd place: $ 50000 + 1 optional report  OR 1 optional activity report OR  1 bonus training/meeting pass request



-Use the post template from this topic;

-It's a stunt mission, so you'll have to film the stunt and post it here. You don't have to fall with the infernus from the roof, you have to stay there for a few seconds;

-The video must not be edited, it must include the server name, your name, time and date (regular hud);

-Besides the cash prize, you will have to choose between an optional report or a bonus training/meeting pass request, write your choice in the posting model.




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Castigatorii misiunii saptamanii  27.09.2021 - 03.10.2021 sunt: 


Locul 1: XeNoNe (GhitaPoweristul): $125000 + 1 raport optional

Locul 2: Krom: $75000 + 1 raport optional 

Locul 3: N.Catalin: $50000 + 1 raport optional 



Misiunea saptamanii 04.10.2021 - 10.10.2021


3 sau 5 Evenimente in care sa promovati aplicarea in SFPD 


Vor exista doar 3 premii, iar pentru 3 evenimente facute: 1 raport optional SAU invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta, iar pentru 5 evenimente facute, premiile includ de asemenea SI bani, dupa cum urmeaza:

Locul 1: $125000 

Locul 2: $75000

Locul 3: $50000




-Premiile vor fi acordate in ordinea cronologica, iar daca unul dintre locuri va avea doar 3 evenimente, premiul in bani se reporteaza urmatorului castigator cu 5 evenimente facute (ex: Locul 3 castigat cu 3 evenimente de X membru, acesta primeste 1 raport optional sau invoire bonus. Urmatoarea postare primeste doar premiul in bani de la locul 3.)

-Va trebui sa postati aici pozele in care promovati aplicatiile deschise in SFPD (pe /e sau in titlul evenimentului de pe /event). Exemplu: SFPD recruteaza noi membri activi, cerinte minime: level 15, skill 5 detective si o aplicatie buna pe rpg.b-zone.ro

-Folositi modelul de postare din acest topic;

-Pozele nu trebuie sa fie editate, trebuie sa includa numele serverului, numele vostru, ora si data (hud-ul obisnuit);

-Va trebui sa alegeti intre raport optional sau invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta, scrieti in modelul de postare alegerea voastra.



For English:


or here:



The winners of the mission of the week   27.09.2021 - 03.10.2021  are: 


1st place: XeNoNe (GhitaPowerist):  $ 125000 + 1 optional activity report

2nd place: Extra: $ 75000 + 1 optional activity report

3rd place: N.Catalin: $ 50,000 + 1 optional activity report



Mission of the week  04.10.2021 - 10.10.2021


3 or 5 Events in which to promote the application in SFPD 


There will be only 3 places, for 3 events made: 1 optional activity report OR 1 bonus training/meeting pass request, and for 5 events made, the prizes ALSO include money, as follows:

1st place: $ 125,000  

2nd place: $ 75,000 

3rd place: $ 50,000 



-The prizes will be awarded in chronological order, and if one of the places will have only 3 events MADE, the cash prize will be carried over to the next winner with 5 events made (ex: 3rd place won with 3 events by X member, he receives 1 optional report OR 1 bonus training/meeting pass request. The next post only receives the cash prize from 3rd place.)

-You will have to post here the pictures in which you promote the applications opened in SFPD (on /e or in the title of the event on /event). Example: SFPD recruits new active members, minimum requirements: level 15, skill 5 detective and a good application on rpg.b-zone.ro

-Use the post template from this topic;

-Photos must not be edited, they must include the server name, your name, time and date (regular hud);

-You will have to choose between an optional report or a bonus from the training / session, write your choice in the posting model.






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Castigatorii misiunii saptamanii  04.10.2021 - 10.10.2021 sunt: 


Locul 1: Krom (3 evenimente): 1 invoire bonus

Locul 2: Ser[G]en[T] (5 evenimte): $125000 + 1 raport optional 

Locul 3: N.Catalin: 1 raport optional 


F9Mosti, dupa cum am spus in reguli: DOAR banii se vor reporta urmatorului castigator DOAR cu 5 evenimente facute. Ai facut doar 3 evenimente. 



Misiunea saptamanii 11.10.2021 - 17.10.2021


Va consta in parcurgerea unei rute DOAR cu MAVERICK. Pe parcusul acestei rute, veti avea de strabatut 4 tunele (in interior, cu maverick). Aici aveti ruta, cu cele 4 tunele marcate pe harta: https://imgur.com/a/kSxvxPm , iar aici cele 4 tunele (ca reper): https://imgur.com/a/NEhQ54E

Veti filma tot parcusul de la start pana la finish cu /dl activat, iar la final (finish) va trebui sa aveti 1000 HP la maverick pentru a castiga. 


Locul 1: $125000 + 1 raport optional SAU invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta 

Locul 2: $75000 + 1 raport optional SAU invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta 

Locul 3: $50000 + 1 raport optional SAU invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta 




-Folositi modelul de postare din acest topic;

-Puteti filma pe bucati (in caz ca explodati), dar trebuie parcurs toata ruta;

-Videoclipul nu trebuie sa fie editat, trebuie sa includa numele serverului, numele vostru, ora si data (hud-ul obisnuit);

-Va trebui sa alegeti intre raport optional sau invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta, scrieti in modelul de postare alegerea voastra.


For English click on the spoiler:




The winners of the mission of the week   04.10.2021 - 10.10.2021  are: 


1st place: Krom (3 events):  1 bonus training/meeting pass request

2nd place: Ser[G]en[T] (5 events): $ 125,000 + 1 optional activity report  

3rd place: N.Catalin: 1 optional activity report  


F9Mosti, as I said in the rules:  ONLY the money will be carried over to the next winner ONLY with 5 events made. You only did 3 events. 



Mission of the week  11.10.2021 - 17.10.2021


It will consist of following a route ONLY with MAVERICK. Along this route, you will have to cross 4 tunnels (inside, with maverick). Here you have the route, with the 4 tunnels marked on the map:  https://imgur.com/a/kSxvxPm  , and here the 4 tunnels (as a landmark):  https://imgur.com/a/NEhQ54E

You will record the whole process from start to finish with /dl activated, and at the end (finish) you will need to have 1000 HP on maverick to win. 


1st place: $ 125,000 +  1 optional activity report OR 1 bonus training/meeting pass request

2nd place: $ 75000 +  1 optional activity report OR 1 bonus training/meeting pass request

3rd place: $ 50000 + 1 optional activity report OR 1 bonus training/meeting pass request




-Use the post template from this topic;

-You are not allowed to use /repair;

-You can also record it in few pieces, but you have to do the entire route;

-The video must not be edited, it must include the server name, your name, time and date (regular hud);

-You will have to choose between an optional report or a bonus from the training / session, write your choice in the posting model.






Edited by South MrJelly
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Castigatorii misiunii saptamanii  11.10.2021 - 17.10.2021 sunt: 


Locul 1: Krom: $125000 + 1 raport optional 

Locul 2: SARKAR: $75000 + 1 raport optional 

Locul 3: Malorne: $50000 + 1 raport optional 




Misiunea saptamanii 18.10.2021 - 24.10.2021


Este un stunt simplu pe panoul publicitar din fata LSPD HQ cu un motor, ca in acest screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/ixruDWb


Locul 1: $125000 + 1 raport optional SAU invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta 

Locul 2: $75000 + 1 raport optional SAU invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta 

Locul 3: $50000 + 1 raport optional SAU invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta 




-Va trebui sa filmati tot stunt-ul si sa ramaneti cu motorul pe acel panou publicitar;

-Puteti folosi orice motor (fara biciclete), eu am reusit cu NRG-500;

-Folositi modelul de postare din acest topic;

-Videoclipul nu trebuie sa fie editat, trebuie sa includa numele serverului, numele vostru, ora si data (hud-ul obisnuit);

-Va trebui sa alegeti intre raport optional sau invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta, scrieti in modelul de postare alegerea voastra.


For English click on the spoiler:



The winners of the mission of the week   11.10.2021 - 17.10.2021  are: 


1st place: Krom:  $ 125000 + 1 optional report 

2nd place: SARKAR:  $ 75000 +  1 optional report 

3rd place: Malorne:  $ 50,000 +  1 optional report 




Mission of the week  18.10.2021 - 24.10.2021


It is a simple stunt on the LSPD HQ billboard with a motorbike, as in this screenshot:  https://imgur.com/a/ixruDWb


1st place: $ 125000 +  1 optional activity report OR 1 bonus training/meeting pass request  

2nd place: $ 75000 +  1 optional activity report OR 1 bonus training/meeting pass request

3rd place: $ 50000 +  1 optional activity report OR 1 bonus training/meeting pass request




-You will have to record the whole stunt and stay with the motorbike on that billboard;

-You can use any motorbikes (without bicycles), I have done it with NRG-500;

-Use the post template from this topic;

-The video must not be edited, it must include the server name, your name, time and date (regular hud);

-You will have to choose between an optional report or a bonus from the training / session, write your choice in the posting template.





Edited by South MrJelly
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  • dabro.pdf changed the title to SF Police Department - 🚩 Misiunea săptămânii / Challenge of the week 🚩
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