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B-Olympics Autumn 2016 - Proba 10 - Hitmen Absolution

RelaXx S4F

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Hitmen Absolution

Data & ora: 15.11.2016-25.11.2016, intre 16:00-20:00

Tip proba: Find and Kill

Tip participare: Grup

Număr de membrii: 1

Descriere: Participantii vor primi cate 1 sniper si vor trebuii sa omoare 1 dintre cele 3 tinte. Locurile vor fi castigate in functie de rapiditatea contractului efectuat, astfel incat cel ce omoare primul 1 tinta va castiga locul 1, etc.

Imagini/video: Click

Reguli suplimentare pentru această probă: Dupa ce a omorat 1 tinta, participantului ii este interzis sa continue deoarece se considera ca si-a terminat treaba.




Date & time: 15.11.2016-25.11.2016, between 16:00-20:00 (server time)

Task type: Find and Kill

Participation type: Group

Number of members: 1

Description: The participants will receive 1 sniper and they will need to kill 1 target from 3. The places will be earned acording to how fast is done 1 hit, so the first one who kill 1 target will earn fisrt place, etc.

Images/video: Click

Extra rules for this task: After killing 1 target, the participant can’t continue because he did his job.









Edited by GF RelaXx
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Hitmen Absolution


Locul 1 - San Fierro Police Departament - Gold Medal - 3 puncte - T.I.B.I

Locul 2 - News Reporter - Silver Medal - 2 puncte - PadiGOW

Locul 3 - Hitmen Agency - Bronze Medal - 1 punct - Rastaline

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Hitmen Absolution


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