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[MODEL/FORM] Cerere grade / Rank request

Jackson Brooklyn

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Doresti sa transferi un rank ce iti apartine pe serverul RPG sau pe forum? Completeaza urmatorul formular si asteapta raspunsul unui administrator.
Link-ul catre profilul RPG si poza cu rank bar-ul trebuie prezentata doar daca cereti unul dintre urmatoarele grade: Mayor, Hitmen Member, SoA MemberMafia Member, Peaceful Faction Member, Department Member.

Pentru gradele administrative RPG: RPG Admin, RPG Helper, RPG Faction LeaderRPG Junior/Senior AdminRPG Supervisor este necesar sa aveti atat functia pe joc cat si rankbar-ul respectiv sub numele de pe forum pentru a fi eligibili pentru rank.

Pentru gradele administrative RAGE:MP: RAGE Manager, RAGE Supervisor, RAGE Senior Admin, RAGE Admin, RAGE Helper este necesar sa aveti atat functia pe joc cat si rankbar-ul respectiv sub numele de pe forum pentru a fi eligibili pentru rank.

Pentru gradele de pe forum: Donator, VIPModerator ForumGraphic/Audio/Video Designer, ProgrammerWiki Team, Social Media Team, Radio DJ, JB TeamCS TeamGO TeamMC TeamCheater Team, trebuie doar sa aveti rankbar-ul respectiv sub numele de pe forum pentru a fi eligibili pentru rank. 

De asemenea, o alternativă pentru a fi eligibili pentru a rank-urile Donator și VIP este aceea de a avea pe profilul RPG insignele aferente afișate.
Pentru gradul de 
Youtuber trebuie sa aveti minim 150 de abonati si 5 videoclipuri / livestreamuri cu gameplay pe serverele comunitatii ( exclus war-montage ) in ultimele 2 luni. ( Cei care sunt inactivi pe canalul de youtube si au canale vocale, acestea o sa fie sterse )

Cererile pentru gradele administrative pe serverul de Discord NU se fac aici! (ex: Discord Moderator, Discord Admin) Acestea se obtin pe baza de aplicatie atunci cand vom organiza sesiuni de recrutare!


Nota: RPG Bar-ul este necesar pentru a dovedi ca sunteti adevaratii proprietari ai contului.

Cererile care nu respectă modelul (link invalid, sau date incorecte) vor primi un reply în care le este solicitat utilizatorilor să introducă datele corecte. Daca în 24h utilizatorul nu aduce datele corecte topicul va urma să fie inchis.


  • Discord ID:
  • Gradul/Gradele dorite:
  • Link catre profilul RPG:
  • Rank bar-ul profilului RPG:



  • Discord ID: qTupeu#1093   
  • Gradul/Gradele dorite: MC-Team, Donator
  • Link catre profilul RPG: Nu este necesar in acest caz. 
  • Rank bar-ul profilului RPG: Nu este necesar in acest caz.




Do you want to transfer a rank that you own on the RPG server or on the forum? Complete the following form and wait for an administrator's reply.
RPG profile link and screenshot with rank bar are only necessary for the following ranks: Mayor, Hitmen Member, SoA MemberMafia Member, Peaceful Faction Member, Department Member.

For the RPG Administrative ranks: RPG Admin, RPG Helper, RPG Faction LeaderRPG Junior/Senior AdminRPG Supervisor it is necessary to have the rank both in the game and under your forum name so you can be eligible for the rank.

For the RAGE Administrative ranks: RAGE Manager, RAGE Supervisor, RAGE Senior Admin, RAGE Admin, RAGE Helper it is necessary to have the rank both in the game and under your forum name so you can be eligible for the rank.

For the following forum ranks: Donator, VIPModerator ForumGraphic/Audio/Video DesignerProgrammerWiki Team, Social Media Team, Radio DJ, JB TeamCS TeamGO TeamMC TeamCheater Team, you must have the rankbar under your forum name so you can be eligible for the rank.

Also, an altenative method to be eligible for Donator and VIP is to have the specific badges shown on your RPG profile.
For the Youtuber rank, you must have minimum 150 subscribers and 5 videos / livestreams with gameplay on community servers ( excluding war-montages ) on the last 2 months. ( Who is inactive and has voice channels for his youtube channel, those will be deleted )

Discord administrative rank requests are NOT done here (ex: Discord Moderator, Discord Admin). They are obtained by application when we organize recruitment sessions!


Note: The rank bar is necessary in order to prove you're the real owner of the account.

Note: Requests that do not respect the model (invalid link, or incorrect data) will receive the un reply in which users are required to enter the correct data. If in 24h the user does not bring the correct data the topic will be locked.


  •  Discord ID:
  •  Rank(s) wanted:
  •  RPG profile link: 
  •  The rank bar from RPG profile:



  • Discord ID: qTupeu#1093
  • Rank(s) wanted: AM-Team, Donator
  • RPG profile link: Not necessary in this case.
  • The rank bar from RPG profile: Not necessary in this case.


Acest topic a fost aprobat de catre Technical Manager GhOsT_x.

Edited by Dark Night
Update - 07/23/2023 [LL/ZZ/AAAA]
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