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Nume: CsT.Jr

Rank: 3

Data si ora propusa: Sambata 09.01.2021 Ora 20:00

Nume activitate: Duele Degle !

Descriere activitate (daca e cazul): Membri prezenti se vor duela cu Deagle FARA SA APESE TASTA C ! Se trage doar din picioare !

Partener (optional): - 

Alte precizari: Premiul celui care castica aceasta activitate este : 100k

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Nume: ImpacT.

Rank: 3

Data si ora propusa: Monday 11.01.2021 Ora 21:00

Nume activitate: LMS

Descriere activitate (daca e cazul): Last Man standing (Deagle+M4) Prize: 100.000$

Partener (optional): - 

Alte precizari: -

Edited by ImpacT ZEW
There's an activity today i will change the day.
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Name: alin16Hz
Rank: 3
Date and hour: 12/1/2021, 20:00
Name of activity: find the car 
Description of activity (if that's the case): primul care imi da sms cu viptagul masinei a carei locatii am sa o spun  la inceputul activitatii castiga.
Partner (optional): -

Other specifications: Premiul este in valoare de  $50,000.

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@ImpacT ZEW, activity accepted. Monday, 11.01.2021 at 21:00, without partner. After the activity i'm waiting a PM with the online members + the statistics in this topic (Click).

@alin16Hz, activitate acceptata. Marti, 12.01.2021, ora 20:00, fara partener. Dupa activitate astept un PM cu membrii ce au fost online + statistica in acest topic (Click).

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Name: Zum
Rank: 4
Date and hour: 13/1/2021, 21:00
Name of activity: Duele 1v1
Description of activity (if that's the case): Ceva basic. Duele deagle+m4
Partner (optional): -

Other specifications: 50k pe sarakie asa 

Edited by Zoom
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Nume: ImpacT.

Rank: 3

Data si ora propusa: friday15.01.2021 Ora 21:00

Nume activitate: Duels 1 v 1 with deagle 

Descriere activitate (daca e cazul): Duels (1vs1) (Deagle) Prize: 60.000$

Partener (optional): - 

Alte precizari: -

Edited by ImpacT ZEW
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Name: Zum
Rank: 4
Date and hour: 19/1/2021, 21:00
Name of activity: LMS
Description of activity (if that's the case): se stie ce e ala lms
Partner (optional): -

Other specifications: 50k tot pe sarakie

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Name: alin16Hz
Rank: 3
Date and hour: 20/1/2021, 20:00
Name of activity: duele 1v1 cu mp5
Description of activity (if that's the case): se intelege din titlu
Partner (optional): -

Other specifications: Premiul este in valoare de  $50,000.

Edited by alin16Hz
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Name: alin16Hz
Rank: 3
Date and hour: 22/1/2021, 20:00
Name of activity: duele 1v1 cu mp5
Description of activity (if that's the case): se intelege din titlu
Partner (optional): -

Other specifications: Premiul este in valoare de  $50,000.

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Name: MBJRagnar
Rank: 3
Date and hour: 23/01/2021, 20:00
Name of activity: Cops vs Robbers + LMS
Description of activity (if that's the case): Se vor forma 2 echipe egale la număr în funcție de posibilitate și la final un LMS pentru acordarea unui premiu.
Partner (optional): -

Other specifications: Premiul este in valoare de  $100,000. Vreau sa cer autoritatea de a anula activitatea de cops vs robbers în cazul în care sunt prea puțini jucători online (Măcar 6), activitatea rezumându-se la un simplu LMS.

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@alin16Hz - Activitate acceptata. Vineri, 22.01.2021, ora 20:00, fara partener. Dupa activitate astept un PM cu membrii care au fost prezenti + statistica in acest topic: Click.

@FBIMafia MBJRagnar - Activitate acceptata. Sambata, 23.01.2021, ora 20:00, fara partener. Dupa activitate astept un PM cu membrii care au fost prezenti + statistica in acest topic: Click.

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Name: ImpacT.

Rank: 3

Date and hour: Monday: 25.12.2020 at 21:00

Name of activity: duels 1 vs 1 cu MP5

Description of activity (if that's the case): duels with mp5 prize will be 100.000$

Partner (optional): fara


Other specifications: hope it will be accepted after MBJragnar's activity

Edited by ImpacT ZEW
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Name: Zum
Rank: 4
Date and hour: 26/1/2021, 20:00
Name of activity: duele 1v1 cu shotgun
Description of activity (if that's the case): da
Partner (optional): -

Other specifications: 50k cum v am obisnuit pe sarakie

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Rank: 4
Date and hour: 27/1/2021, 20:00
Name of activity: PUBG / LMS
Description of activity (if that's the case): Daca ne vom strange minim 5 (este minimul pentru a putea incepe runda) mergem la arena PUBG si cine castiga primeste cascavalu, in cazul in care nu ne strangem facem un LMS in training si castigatorul primeste banii
Partner (optional): -

Other specifications: Premiul este in valoare de  100.000$

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Nume: ImpacT.

Rank: 3

Data si ora propusa: 28.01.2021 at 20:00

Nume activitate: Cops vs Robbers + Last man standing (LMS)

Dscriere activitate (daca e cazul): I will start with type cops vs robbers and Winner team each member will receive 50.000$, all guns are allowed after i will make LMS with (m4 + deagle + shotgun) and prize will be 60.000$ (The winner in statistics)

Partener (optional): - 

Alte precizari: -

Edited by ImpacT ZEW
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