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Nickname :Clark
Rank :3
Reclam pe : .droppedz.
Level-ul celui reclamat(bara rpg) : .droppedz..png
Deoarece :DM aiurea
Martori : (daca sunt)
Dovezi : https://imgur.com/a/l9jp442




Nickname :Clark
Rank :3
Reclam pe : IonutROYAL
Level-ul celui reclamat(bara rpg) : IonutROYAL.png
Deoarece :DM aiurea
Martori : (daca sunt)
Dovezi : https://imgur.com/a/yblS4NI




PS: Robben, uita-te la secundele contractelor de la signature. pwp $4L

Edited by Clark
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2 hours ago, Clark said:

Nickname :Clark
Rank :3
Reclam pe : .droppedz.
Level-ul celui reclamat(bara rpg) : .droppedz..png
Deoarece :DM aiurea
Martori : (daca sunt)
Dovezi : https://imgur.com/a/l9jp442




Nickname :Clark
Rank :3
Reclam pe : IonutROYAL
Level-ul celui reclamat(bara rpg) : IonutROYAL.png
Deoarece :DM aiurea
Martori : (daca sunt)
Dovezi : https://imgur.com/a/yblS4NI




PS: Robben, uita-te la secundele contractelor de la signature. pwp $4L

Ambii vor fi adaugati pe blacklist cu 1AV pentru DM.

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Nickname : TheWeeknd
Rank : Marksman (2)
Dennounced player : Abarth
Level of the dennounced player (rpg bar) : 
Reason : Agressive DM for no reason

Witnesses : (if there are any) : - 
Proofs : 

Edited by T h e W e e k n d
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1 hour ago, T h e W e e k n d said:

Nickname : TheWeeknd
Rank : Marksman (2)
Dennounced player : Abarth
Level of the dennounced player (rpg bar) : 
Reason : Agressive DM for no reason

Witnesses : (if there are any) : - 
Proofs : 

Are deja 2/2 AV

Edited by Zoli
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Nickname : TheWeeknd
Rank : Marksman (2)
Dennounced player : ynneB
Level of the dennounced player (rpg bar) : ynneB.png

Reason : Agressive DM for no reason
Witnesses : (if there are any) : - 
Proofs : 





Nickname : TheWeeknd
Rank : Marksman (2)
Dennounced player : itisMIK
Level of the dennounced player (rpg bar) : itisMIK.png

Reason : Agressive DM for no reason
Witnesses : (if there are any) : - 
Proofs : 

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On 6/30/2019 at 5:16 PM, T h e W e e k n d said:

Nickname : TheWeeknd
Rank : Marksman (2)
Dennounced player : ynneB
Level of the dennounced player (rpg bar) : ynneB.png

Reason : Agressive DM for no reason
Witnesses : (if there are any) : - 
Proofs : 





Nickname : TheWeeknd
Rank : Marksman (2)
Dennounced player : itisMIK
Level of the dennounced player (rpg bar) : itisMIK.png

Reason : Agressive DM for no reason
Witnesses : (if there are any) : - 
Proofs : 

Both will get 1 AV for DM aiurea

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Nickname : Smilee
Rank : Special Agent (4)
Reclam pe : ..Cata..dauPtEmy
Level-ul celui reclamat(bara rpg) : ..Cata..DauPtEmy.png
Deoarece : Aveam contract pe alt jucator, am vrut sa intru in casa dupa tinta si vine el repede si imi da tazer si ma omoara
Martori : (daca sunt) iulianmarius
Dovezi : https://imgur.com/a/TDmNIoT

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5 hours ago, South Smilee said:

Nickname : Smilee
Rank : Special Agent (4)
Reclam pe : ..Cata..dauPtEmy
Level-ul celui reclamat(bara rpg) : ..Cata..DauPtEmy.png
Deoarece : Aveam contract pe alt jucator, am vrut sa intru in casa dupa tinta si vine el repede si imi da tazer si ma omoara
Martori : (daca sunt) iulianmarius
Dovezi : https://imgur.com/a/TDmNIoT

O sa fie adaugat pe blacklist cu 1 AV pentru DM.

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Nickname : TheWeeknd
Rank : Agent (3)
Dennounced player : stefan.flavius
Level of the dennounced player (rpg bar) : stefan.flavius.png

Reason : DM for no reason
Witnesses : (if there are any) : - 
Proofs : https://imgur.com/ECtvGTg 




Nickname : TheWeeknd
Rank : Agent (3)
Dennounced player NFcataNF
Level of the dennounced player (rpg bar) : NFcataNF.png

Reason : DM for no reason
Witnesses : (if there are any) : - 
Proofs : https://imgur.com/autRbuO

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On 7/27/2019 at 5:42 PM, T h e W e e k n d said:

Nickname : TheWeeknd
Rank : Agent (3)
Dennounced player : stefan.flavius
Level of the dennounced player (rpg bar) : stefan.flavius.png

Reason : DM for no reason
Witnesses : (if there are any) : - 
Proofs : https://imgur.com/ECtvGTg 




Nickname : TheWeeknd
Rank : Agent (3)
Dennounced player NFcataNF
Level of the dennounced player (rpg bar) : NFcataNF.png

Reason : DM for no reason
Witnesses : (if there are any) : - 
Proofs : https://imgur.com/autRbuO

Amandoi vor fi adaugati pe blacklist cu 1AV pentru DM aiurea.

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On 8/9/2019 at 10:29 AM, South Smilee said:

Nickname : Smilee
Rank : Special Agent (4)
Reclam pe : AlynSKky
Level-ul celui reclamat(bara rpg) : AlynSKky.png
Deoarece :
Mă omoară când am contract
Martori : (daca sunt) 
Dovezi :

Nu primeste nimic. Erai in casa cu undercover si putea crede ca ai contract pe el!

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