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Problema imagine "taiata"


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Salut, folosesc Robert`s Overhaul si mi se taie imaginea. Tin sa precizez ca doar pe acest modpack se intampla acest lucru si nu pot sa inteleg de ce, am 144hz, iar din enb este fortat ca jocul sa mearga la 144hz.


Link cu problema: 


EDIT: Daca dau /q si reintru nu mai face asa, o scurta perioada, dupa aia facand la fel.

VSYNC ON, face la fel.

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I suggest you to try this 2DFX https://bit.ly/3cSJiNv maybe that ENB isn't well compatible with your PC for some reason.

Otherwise try to run your game in as an administrator and in high performance, make sure you put the draw distance between 10-12, high graphics and aliasing between x4 and x8 and install SA:MP addon.  Enjoy!


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Try those easy steps : https://bit.ly/3cGoys9

Also enter to system properties > Advanced system settings > Performance settings > Adjust for best performance > Apply > Ok.

Or try the option (only in Nvidia products) that fixes the Hertz from Nvidia control panel > Adjust desktop size and position > Fresh rate.

Otherwise your monitor doesn't support that Hertz amount just change the ENB, I suggest the one i gave you in my first reply.

Hope it gets fixed!



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@TLG Gab Hello,

If you're using windows 10 then SA:MP addon is a necessity install it to avoid any game crashes, link : https://bit.ly/2VKTAYm

Otherwise look for a new ENB in google, try more than once, make sure you have your backup and everything in case you ruined something by mistake.

Here is an exemple : https://bit.ly/2ZdvfOl

If everything mentioned didn't work that means I failed to help you, and I'll keep this topic open for a maximum 3 days to see if someone else has something that he can help with.

Let us know if you resolved it.


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