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B-Olympics Summer 2020 - Proba generala - Let's Get Points!

RelaXx S4F

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Data & ora: 20.07.2020 - 26.07.2020
Tip probă: Statistica
Tip participare: Toti membrii factiunii
Descriere: La finalul saptamanii in care se va organiza B-Olympics Summer 2020 participantul ce a adunat cele mai multe puncte la probe pe parcursul olimpiadei va fi premiat.
Premiu: 1.000 gold + 25 respect points + 1 raport optional sau 500.000 materiale si 5.000 droguri.
Imagini/video: -
Reguli suplimentare pentru această probă: Doar membrii factiunilor inscrise la olimpiada pot fi premiati.




Date & hour: 20.07.2020 - 26.07.2020
Task Type: Statistics
Participation type: All faction members
Description: At the end of the week in which we will organise B-Olympics Summer 2020 the participant that will get the most points at the tasks within the Olympics will be awarded.
Prize: 1.000 gold + 25 respect points + 1 optional activity raport or 500.000 materials and 5.000 drugs.
Images/video: -
Extra rules for the task: Only the members of the participating factions can be awarded.

Edited by RelaXx S4F
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Cele mai multe puncte au fost stranse de [F4L]Delgado, mai precis 10 puncte, felicitari.

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