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[CREATIONS] - Regulament / Rules


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Pentru a crea un topic trebuie sa folositi umatorul model: Creatii – [display name]


1. Nu aveti voie sa postati creatii facute de altcineva. Toate lucrarile pe care le postati in topicul vostru trebuie sa va apartina in intregime.

2. Puteti posta o singura data in decursul a 24 de ore. Daca aveti noi creatii de adaugat folositi functia EDIT.

3. Topicurile in care nu s-a postat de mai mult de 14 zile vor fi inchise. Pentru a cere redeschiderea topicului puteti contacta un moderator printr-un PM.

4. Membrii ce isi dau cu parerea asupra lucrarilor trebuie sa lase un comentariu cat mai complex.


Incalcarile regulilor de mai sus vor fi sanctionate cu avertisment verbal, avertisment sau warn, in functie de gravitatea faptei.





English version:


In order to post a topic you need to follow this model: Creations – [display name]


1. You mustn’t post other members’ creations. All of the projects you post in your topic must be yours.

2. You can only post once in the course of 24 hours. If you have new projects you need to post use the EDIT function.

3. The topics that have been inactive for more than 14 days will be closed. If you want to reopen them you have to send a PM to a moderator.

4. The members who give their opinion on the creations must leave a comment as complex as possible.


Violations of the above rules will be sanctioned with verbal warning, warning or warn, depending on the severity of the act.


Edited by cedryk'
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