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Bug /switchjob

TLG Cristinel

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@TLG Cristinel, Considering your thread. I recall this happening on the first days the /switchjobs system was implemented. The explanation for this is very easy. I've analyzed your proofs and I came up with one explanation. You only had 1 job at that time. I know it sounds weird. You were in paramedics at the time this " bug " appeared so basically the Mechanic job should be automatically set when you /switchjobs. However, when you used this Command the server said " You already have this job". The sever was referring to the mechanic job which you already had. 

In conclusion, You had only 1 job at that time. 

My question is, did you ever do a job from the date the /switchjobs system was implemented? Do you have any proof that you did /getjob for the detective job? Did this happen more than once?


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În video, acolo unde scrie că ai devenit Mecanic, ai folosit de fapt comanda /getjob. Aşadar, nu aveai alt job în afară de Mecanic. Jobul facţiunii Paramedics (în care te aflai la data filmării video-ului) este tot Mecanic, aşa că nu aveai între ce joburi să comuţi. Într-adevăr, mesajul de eroare este destul de neclar, însă nu este vorba de niciun bug aici.

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