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B-Olympics Winter 2020 - Proba 3 - Jetpack Race

RelaXx S4F

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Data & ora: 23.12.2020, dupa ora 20:00.
Tip proba: Race
Tip participare: Un participant
Descriere: Evenimentul va fi organizat cu ajutorul adminilor, astfel participantii vor fi anuntati inainte, iar mai apoi teleportati in locatia necesara.
- cursa va fi facuta cu ajutorul comenzilor de admini.
- la inceputul cursei fiecare participant va primi un jetpack si acesta trebuie sa urmareasca checkpoint-urile pana la final.

Imagini/video: -
Reguli suplimentare pentru aceasta proba: Participantii ce nu se conformeaza instructiunilor organizatorilor vor fi descalificati de la eveniment fara a primi o explicatie.
- Se pune accentul pe seriozitate, va rugam sa fiti cat se poate de seriosi pe parcursul evenimentului.



Date & hour: 23.12.2020, after 20:00 (server time)
Task Type: Race
Participation type: One participant
Description: The eveniment will be organised by the admins, so the participants will be announced before and after that teleported to the location.
- the race will be organised with help from the admins.
- at the start everyone will get a jetpack and every participant will have to follow the checkpoints to the finish line.

Images/video: -
Extra rules for the task: The participants that will not conform with the organiser instructions will be disqualified without an explenation.
- We are expectig seriousness from you, so we are asking you to be as serious as you can thtoughout the event.

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Locul 1 - San Fierro Taxi - KyubyZEM - Gold Medal - 3 puncte

Locul 2 - Los Santos Taxi - Gundham - Silver Medal - 2 puncte

Locul 3 - Tow Truck Company - Aqqua - Bronze Medal - 1 puncte

Edited by RelaXx S4F
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@KyubyZEM RPG @Oliwer.Meserias @Aqqua


Edited by RelaXx S4F
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