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B-Olympics Spring 2021 - Proba 4 - Democracy poll

RelaXx S4F

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Data & ora: 20.05.2021, dupa ora 19:00.
Tip proba: Sondaj
Tip participare: 1 reprezentat pentru fiecare factiune
Descriere: Fiecare factiune va primi 1 vot pe care il poate acorda unei alte factiuni sau pe care il poate pastra;
- factiunile care isi ofera votul altei factiuni vor primi 1 punct in plus;

- factiunile care nu isi ofera votul altei factiuni vor ramane doar cu punctul primit de la votul neoferit;

- o factiune poate castiga "alegerile" si fara a isi oferi votul, insa vor fi in dezavantaj fata de alte factiuni care si-au oferit votul.
Reguli suplimentare pentru aceasta proba: Participantii ce nu se conformeaza instructiunilor organizatorilor vor fi descalificati de la eveniment fara a primi o explicatie.
- Se pune accentul pe seriozitate, va rugam sa fiti cat se poate de seriosi pe parcursul evenimentului.

- Teamming-ul este strict interzis, factiunile prinse incercand sa se alieze pentru a strica buna desfasurare a probei vor fi descalificate.

- Aveti voie sa votati o singura data, votul nu poate fi schimbat. De asemenea daca ati decis sa pastrati votul, aceasta decizie nu va putea fi schimbata.





Date & hour: 20.05.2021, after 19:00 (server time)
Task Type: Poll
Participation type: 1 official from each faction
Description: Each faction will receive 1 vote which can be given to another faction or which they can keep for themselves;
- the factions that give their vote to another faction will receive an extra point;
- the factions that will not give their vote to another faction will remain with the point given by their kept vote;
- a faction can win the "election" without giving their vote too, but they will have an disadvantage from the others that gave their vote away.

Extra rules for the task: The participants that will not conform with the organiser instructions will be disqualified without an explenation.
- We are expectig seriousness from you, so we are asking you to be as serious as you can thtoughout the event.
- The teamming is strictly forbidden, the factions caught trying to ally to win will be disqualified.
- You are allowd to vote only once, once voted you cannot change it. Furthermore, if you decide to keep the vote you cannot change the decision.


Edited by RelaXx S4F
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Locul 1 - National Guard - .BASTARDO - Gold Medal - 3 puncte
Locul 2 -
El Loco Cartel - whoiscoco - Silver Medal - 2 puncte
Locul 3 -
Las Venturas School Instructors - Oliwer_Maslinar - Bronze Medal - 1 punct

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