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Fallout 76 Steel Reign Update is now available on PTS


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Bethesda has released the Steel Reign Update for Fallout 76 on its PTS (Public Test Server). This update brings all-new quests to Fallout 76 with the Steel Reign questline, which picks up right where you left off with the Brotherhood of Steel at the end of Steel Dawn.


Steel Reign quests are open to any level 20+ characters who have already completed the quest “The Best Defense” in the live version of the game at the end of the Steel Dawn questline. When eligible characters log in, a quest called “A Knight’s Penance” will lead you to speak with Russell Dorsey in Fort Atlas to continue the Brotherhood story.


Alternatively, you can use the premade character, named “Quests,” that Bethesda has added to your PTS account to get started with Steel Reign no matter your existing characters’ quest progress. This option is only available on the PTS, and won’t be available when the update goes public.


Furthermore, the Steel Reign Update adds Miranda who is a new vendor. Not only that, but Bethesda has also added the Legendary Crafting system. Players can use this system to turn normal items into legendary items. Moreover, they can re-roll their existing legendary items’ attributes, and even upgrade or downgrade their star-ratings.



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