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California To Lift Capacity and Social Distancing Requirements on June 15


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The state of California has announced that its easing up on current capacity limits and social distancing requirements. Starting June 15, the state will fully reopen and lift current restrictions, including mask requirements for those who are vaccinated.


The lifted restrictions will specifically target events such as large gatherings, such as concerts, with more than 10,000 people. The state advises that for events like that, a system should be implemented where those who attend either verify their vaccination or supply a negative Covid-19 test. It is suggested that if an attendee is not vaccinated and does not choose to take a Covid-19 test, wearing a mask will be recommended.


As for indoor events, the maximum capacity will be set at 5,000 attendees and still recommends that proof of vaccination or a negative Covid-19 test is shown. Along with that, those who are unvaccinated and decide not to provide negative test results will then be required to wear a mask.


With nearly 35 million vaccine doses already being administered in the state of California, Mark Ghaly, Health and Human Services Secretary, stated, “Californians who want a vaccine should have a fairly easy time getting on at this point.”


The state is currently incentivizing getting vaccinations by holding giveaways. The Los Angeles Lakers are offering the chance to win a pair of season tickets for those who get their first vaccination dose over the course of this weekend. State officials are looking to increase the number of vaccination doses given out in order to maintain some stability with the virus.


“It’s not that we won’t see Covid cases moving forward, it’s not that we won’t see even some isolated outbreaks, but we do have the tools to be able to manage that and we have the ultimate tool, vaccination, to be able to keep those opportunities for outbreaks to occur to a minimum and keep any spread contained,” said Ghaly.



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