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Green Street Bloods-Sedinte/Meetings.


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In acest topic se vor anunta sedintele de catre unul dintre subliderii factiunii sau de catre liderul factiunii Green Street Bloods. Sedintele vor avea loc doar in zilele de sambata si duminica avand in vedere faptul ca in intervalul luni-vineri au loc warurile obligatorii. Acestea vor trebui a fi anuntate cu cel putin 24h inainte de catre organizatorul lor. In cazul in care nu va puteti prezenta la sedinta puteti face o invoire in Topicul Invoiri Activitati, in cazul in care aveti deja 2 invoiri pe saptamana respectiva la wars, invoirea voastra va fi considerata a fi nula si neprezenta va fi sanctionata conform regulamentului cu un Faction Warn, fiind permise maxim 5 invoiri per sedinta. In cadrul sedintei vor fi discutate diverse subiecte cum ar fi: planurile de viitor ale factiunii, justificarea anumitor decizii luate de conducere si prezentarea lor mai ampla, prezentarea modificarilor de regulament, mentiuni legate de activitatea fiecarui jucator etc. In this topic, the meetings will be announced by one of the faction's sub-leaders or by the leader of the Green Street Bloods faction. The meetings will take place only on Saturdays and Sundays, considering the fact that the obligatory wars take place between Monday and Friday. These will have to be announced at least 24 hours in advance by their organizer. If you are unable to attend the meeting, you can make an entry in the Activities Invitations Topic, if you already have 2 envelopes per week for wars, your entry will be considered null and void and will be sanctioned according to the rules with a Faction Warn, being allowed a maximum of 5 bids per session. During the meeting will be discussed various topics such as: future plans of the faction, justification of certain decisions taken by management and their broader presentation, presentation of changes in regulations, mentions related to the activity of each player, etc.




Data sedintei/Date of meeting:

Alte precizari/Other specifications:

Edited by MifuGSB
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