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The Works (1984)

Alucard ToV

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The Works (Queen album) - Wikipedia


Numele formației: Queen

Colaborări pe album: -


  1. "Radio Ga Ga" (5:48)
  2. "Tear It Up" (3:28)
  3. "It's a Hard Life" (4:08)
  4. "Man on the Prowl" (3:28)
  5. "Machines (or 'Back to Humans')" (5:10)
  6. "I Want to Break Free" (3:20)
  7. "Keep Passing the Open Windows" (5:21)
  8. "Hammer to Fall" (4:28)
  9. "Is This the World We Created...?" (2:13)



Edited by Alucard ToV
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