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Nickname: Eddie.Capone

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Tema: The Godfather

Text: Eddie.Capone

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Imagine(obligatoriu): NU Vreau sa lucrati NEAPARAT pe asta... http://search.babylon.com/imageres.php?iu=http://news.cnet.com/i/bto/20080808/godfather3_550x485_540x476.jpg&ir=http://news.cnet.com/8301-13772_3-10011168-52.html&ig=http://images.google.com/images?q=tbn:J4WvKoUteSV1pM::news.cnet.com/i/bto/20080808/godfather3_550x485_540x476.jpg&h=476&w=540&q=The%20godfather&babsrc=browsersearch

Alte precizari?: Sa va iasa frumos :*

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