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Bug vehicule.


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Salut de cand a inceput questul tot se autodistrug masinile mele (vizual nu au nimic). Un exemplu ar fii fac questul ma dau jos din masina iau cp urc iar si bam trebuie sa platesc asigurarea again si again. Credeam ca se duce cu timpul dar patesc asta LA toate masinile respectiv motociclete., fara sa aibe cv damage. Odata a trebuit sa platesc de 2 ori doar pt ca m am dus in casa sa iau heal. Raman amarat asa 


StefanORIGINALU pe sv

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It's old issue and reported couple of times according to me this is what happens: There is a radius defined around Bunker LS zone to despawn vehicles at certain times which is to clear so many messed up parking vehicles, but it destroys the vehicle instead of despawn and player loses money every time in Insurance this bug is benefiting Car Insurance Biz sadly. So just make sure you manually give /v > despawn when go near Bunker LS

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On 11/3/2023 at 3:41 PM, originalu said:

Salut de cand a inceput questul tot se autodistrug masinile mele (vizual nu au nimic). Un exemplu ar fii fac questul ma dau jos din masina iau cp urc iar si bam trebuie sa platesc asigurarea again si again. Credeam ca se duce cu timpul dar patesc asta LA toate masinile respectiv motociclete., fara sa aibe cv damage. Odata a trebuit sa platesc de 2 ori doar pt ca m am dus in casa sa iau heal. Raman amarat asa 


StefanORIGINALU pe sv


On 11/10/2023 at 4:06 AM, SideLo VIP said:

It's old issue and reported couple of times according to me this is what happens: There is a radius defined around Bunker LS zone to despawn vehicles at certain times which is to clear so many messed up parking vehicles, but it destroys the vehicle instead of despawn and player loses money every time in Insurance this bug is benefiting Car Insurance Biz sadly. So just make sure you manually give /v > despawn when go near Bunker LS

Zi-mi te rog daca se mai reproduce dupa update. / Tell me please if this still happens after update.

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