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Bug in finishing quest at 13th time


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Game name: Cool_Ketan

Server : B-zone rpg


Hy bro when I finish 13th day or 13 times quest I didn't get option of bike I get option as same as I get in all quest, I ask helper what to do they say to report bug here. I really need that bike but due to bug pls provide me that bike, and didn't have screen shot I have one but it does not taken during bug, but it is true incident for proof u can check my account vehicles and at same time I ask it on /n.,

I have screenshot that I completed 13time quest but can't able to attach here its of 1.6mb

And I can send that on email or on discord 

Edited by CoolKetan
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You only finished 12 Quests so far. When you use /startquest is says that you have started 13 quests, not that you have finished 13 quests. You finished 12 and started the 13th one. Go finish the quest if you want to receive the final bonus.

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