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Tow Truck Company - Promovări / Promotions


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Pentru a primi Rank Up de la lider membrul trebuie sa indeplineasca vechimea minima in factiune si punctele de promovare cum se regasesc in "Puncte minime pentru promovare in rank".

In ziua in care trebuie sa primiti Rank UP, liderul va verifica daca aveti punctele necesare pentru promovare la timp. Daca NU aveti punctele la momentul respectiv, este strict datoria voastra de a anunta prin orice mijloc posibil odata ce indepliniti cerintele minime, pentru a evita promovarea automata sau intarzieri nemeritate.

Liderul isi poate rezerva dreptul de a nu promova un membru la timp daca acesta considera cum ca comportamentul acestuia este inadecvat.

Punctele se vor updata saptamanal si vor fi publice pentru toata lumea intr-un document online.



Puncte minime pentru promovare in rank


  • De la rank 1 la rank 2 este nevoie 14 puncte de promovare si vechimea de 14 zile de la intrarea in factiune.
  • De la rank 2 la rank 3 este nevoie de 28 puncte de promovare si vechimea de 14 zile de la ultima promovare.
  • De la rank 3 la rank 4 este nevoie de 46 puncte de promovare si vechimea de 21 zile de la ultima promovare. 
  • De la rank 4 la rank 5 este nevoie de 70 puncte de promovare si vechimea de 30 zile de la ultima promovare. 



Puncte promovare


  • Raport efectuat jumatate - 2p
  • Raport efectuat - 4p
  • Raport dublu - 8p
  • 150 puncte+ la raport - 20p
  • Realizarea misiunii saptamanale - 2p
  • Realizarea culorii saptamanale - 2p
  • Participare activitate in cadrul factiunii - 10p


!!! Daca realizati raport dublu primiti doar 8p pentru raport dublu! Daca realizati 150puncte primiti doar 20p. In schimb punctele pentru realizarea misiunii/culorii se aduna, daca intr-o saptamana le realizati pe ambele primiti 4p.

!!! Daca intrati in recuperare si realizati 2 rapoarte nu primiti 8p, primit doar 4p pentru ca ati ralizata raportul. 

!!! Cand setati singuri raportul injumatatit/optional veti primi 2p sau 0p in functie de ce ati setat. In schimb daca castigati raport optional/half de la Activitate/Misiune veti primi 4p ca si cum ati realizat raportul.

!!! Participarea la misiunea saptamanii se puncteaza si ea cu 2p, chiar daca nu luati niciun premiu, in schimb la culoarea saptamanii doar castigatorului i se puncteaza cu 2p.

!!! Adminii/Helperii care au raport injumatatit de la server vor primii 4p pentru raport complet realizat.





Fiecare sanctiune va scadea din punctele acumulate dupa cum urmeaza:

  • FactionWarn - 6p 
  • Aertisment Verbal - 4p
  • Amenda - 2p


!!! Daca primiti RankDown va trebui sa realizati punctele de promovare dinou pentru a va recapata rank-ul. (EX: Luati RankDown de la 5 la 4, veti incepe cu 0p si va trebui sa faceti 24p pentru a primi rank 5).





For receive Rank Up from the leader, the member must have the minimum days in the faction and the promotion points as found in the "Minimum Points for Rank Promotion".
On the day you need to receive your Rank UP, the leader will check if you have the necessary points for promotion on time. If you do
NOT have the points at the time, it is strictly your duty to notify by any means possible once you meet the minimum requirements, for avoid automatic promotion or undeserved delays.

The leader may reserve the right not to promote a member on time if he or she considers that her behavior is inappropriate.
The points will be updated weekly and will be public for everyone in an online document.



Minimum points for promotion in rank


  • Half Raport Made
  • Raport Made - 4p
  • Double Raport - 8p
  • 150 Points+ On Raport - 20p
  • Achieving Weekly Mission - 2p
  • Achieving Weekly Color - 2p
  • Participate at activity on faction - 10p


!!! If you do double raport you only get 8p for double raport! If you score 150 points you only get 20p. On the other hand, the points for completing the mission/color add up, if in a week you achieve both you receive 4p.

!!! If you go into recovery and make 2 raports you don't get 8p, you only get 4p because you made the raport.

!!! When you set the half/optional raport yourself, you will receive 2p or 0p depending on what you set. On the other hand, if you win the optional/half raport from the Activity/Mission you will receive 4p as if you made the report.

!!! Participation in the mission of the week is also scored with 2p, even if you do not take any prize, instead in the color of the week only the winner is scored with 2p.

!!! Admins/Helpers who have half the report from the server will receive 4p for the full report done.



Each sanction will be deducted from the accumulated points as follows:

  • FactionWarn - 6p 
  • Aertisment Verbal - 4p
  • Amenda - 2p



!!! If you receive RankDown, you will need to earn your promotion points again to regain your rank. (EX: Take RankDown from 5 to 4, you will start with 0p and you will have to do 24p to receive rank 5).


Edited by Kristi72
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Evidenta Punctelor de Promovare (23 DECEMBRIE 2024) a membrilor Tow Truck Company se regaseste in tabelul de mai jos.
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Orice greseala de calcul gasiti o raportati printr-un mesaj in privat la mine.

Edited by Kristi72
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Evidenta Punctelor de Promovare (03 IANUARIE 2025) a membrilor Tow Truck Company se regaseste in tabelul de mai jos.
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Orice greseala de calcul gasiti o raportati printr-un mesaj in privat la mine.

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Evidenta Punctelor de Promovare (07 IANUARIE 2025) a membrilor Tow Truck Company se regaseste in tabelul de mai jos.
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Orice greseala de calcul gasiti o raportati printr-un mesaj in privat la mine.

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Evidenta Punctelor de Promovare (13 IANUARIE 2025) a membrilor Tow Truck Company se regaseste in tabelul de mai jos.
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Orice greseala de calcul gasiti o raportati printr-un mesaj in privat la mine.

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Evidenta Punctelor de Promovare (20 IANUARIE 2025) a membrilor Tow Truck Company se regaseste in tabelul de mai jos.
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Orice greseala de calcul gasiti o raportati printr-un mesaj in privat la mine.

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Evidenta Punctelor de Promovare (28 IANUARIE 2025) a membrilor Tow Truck Company se regaseste in tabelul de mai jos.
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Orice greseala de calcul gasiti o raportati printr-un mesaj in privat la mine.

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