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[REZOLVAT]Bug la misiune OG LOC


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Nick-ul tau: [M]Alex
Server: rpg.b-zone.ro
Descrierea bugului: Nu pot apasa f ca sa incep misiunea la OG LOC , si nu sunt singurul care nu poate . Am incercat si pe versiune simpla de gta doar cu samp instalat si tot nu merge crezand ca poate e de la vreun mod dar nu e de la mine ,  ciudat ca celelalte misiuni merg si asta nu .
Screenshot(s): https://streamable.com/5qtevo

Edited by M.Alex
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Would like to point out this issue is still present.

If it's something specific to this mission, could it at least be disabled like Nea Mirel's missions until it is fixed, so that OG Loc's first mission could still be repeated?

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