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Some job vehicles can get despawned early if you leave them, cancelling your [/work]


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Nick: Maple

Server: RPG
Description: Vehicles associated with jobs such as Mechanic and Electrician can get despawned while you're outside of them doing the job task. This ends up cancelling your [/work] and can just leave you stranded. My only recording of this bug happening is during Mechanic, but I have also experienced it a few times during Electrician, particularly in the area near the Pizzeria in Blueberry (Trucker town): https://imgur.com/HmGT80U. I hadn't reported it then because I wasn't recording it and assumed maybe I'd just accidentally flipped my car when jumping out of it (since I've also done that in the same area with the Picador going into the little motel area that's there), but during this recording it's obvious the car just despawned on its own.

Video: https://streamable.com/vehsnw

The only guess I could come up with is that I got unlucky with another vehicle spawning in with the same ID as my Bobcat just after I got out of it, so it got overwritten? Not sure if that's possible on this server.

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