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I have questions about game

Guest Arcatera

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Guest Arcatera


I am new at game I take driving licance,job but , i have some questions and i cant find the answer

1-How I can buy clothes ?

2-How I can buy a personal car ?

3-How I can change my hairstyle ?

4-How I can join a faction ?

5-How I can buy a cellphone ?

6- How i can take a gun licanse ?


Thanks for help sorry for bad english.

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1.Can not we just take your clothes to change your skin and kill press F4, press the <> and when you've chosen a click Spawn


2.For you buy a car you need money, buy a car from other players selling car.


3.You can not change your hairstyle


4.To join a faction you need at least lvl 5, you should apply the forum that you want faction.


5.Phone you take the 24 / 7. Call me to show you the game instead.


6.License SchoolInstructor weapons to buy it, those with blue TAB, a call for more information.

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The English Forum is here -> http://b-zone.ro/forum/forum/608-english-forum/ . If you have any problems please post them there.


1. You cannot buy clothes, but you can however change your skin by pressing F4.


2. A personal car is very expensive, the cheapest being somewhere around 70.000.000$. You can use the normal cars, which you find on the streets, until you have money to buy a personal car.


3. You cannot change your hairstyle, just your skin.


4. You need at least level 5.


5. You go to the 24 / 7 ( there's one near the LS Train Station ) and type /buy.


6. You contact a School Instructor ingame and talk to them.


For MORE information, please see my SA-MP Roleplay Server Full Guide.

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