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Prescurtari Photoshop

Stepf Richter

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Timpul este foarte important, asa ca m-am gandit sa va prezint niste scurtaturi pentru programul Photoshop.

Acestea sunt cele mai folosite scurtaturi in creearea unei lucrari, fiind uneltele de baza.

Pentru completarea listei, puteti sa-mi trimite-ti PM.


Q - Edit in Quick Mask Mode.

W - Quick Quick Selection Tool.

E - Rrase Tool.

R - Blur Tool.

T - Type Tool.

Y - History Brush Tool.

U - Rounded Rectangle Tool.

I - Eindropper Tool.

O - Dodge Tool.

P - Pen Tool.

A - Path Selection Tool.

S - Clone Stamp Tool.

D - Reseteaza culorile foreground si background.

G - Gradient Tool.

H - Hang Tool.

L - Polygonal Lasoo Tool.

Z - Zoom Tool.

X - Inverseaza culorile background si foreground.

C - Crop Tool

V - Move Tool

B - Brush Tool.

M - Rectangular Marquee Tool.


Ctrl + A - Selectare lucrare.

Ctrl + D - Deselectare lucrare.

" [ "- Mareste dimensiunea Brush Tool-ului.

" ] " - Scade dimensiunea Brush Tool-ului.

Ctrl + Shift + N - Layer nou.

Ctrl + Alt + Shift + N - Layer nou rapid.

Ctrl + C - Copy.

Ctrl + V - Paste.

Ctrl + T - Redimensionare Layer.

Ctrl + L - Levels.

Ctrl + B - Color balance.

Ctrl + N - Creeaza document nou.

Ctrl + M - Curves.

Ctrl + Q - Quit.

Ctrl + Shift + N - Desaturate

Ctrl + Shift + S - Save as...

Ctrl + Shift + K - Color settings.


Alt + Shift + "+": Urmatorul blending mode.

Alt + Shift + "-": Precedentul blending mode.

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