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F.B.I. - Testeri | Testers

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-testerii factiunii au la dispozitie maxim 48h sa posteze rezultatul testului de la momentul sustinerii (sanctiune: Faction Warn). 
-candidații sunt obligați să dețină dovezi în cadrul testului practic în caz de doresc să conteste decizia, nu testerul


Dupa ce ati dat testul cu cineva trebuie sa postati in acest topic dupa modelul urmator. In acest topic pot posta numai testerii FBI.


Am dat test cu:

Rezultat proba teoretica:
Rezultat proba armelor:

Rezultat proba practica:

Rezultat total (Admis/Respins):

Observator test:
Alte menţiuni:




-faction testers have maximum 48h to post the test result from the moment the test takes place (sanction: Faction Warn).


After you have taken the test with a player you must post in this topic using the following model. Only FBI testers may post in this topic.


I took test with:
Result of theoretical test:

Result of weapons test
Result of practical test:
Final result: (Accepted/Rejected):

Test observer:
Other specifications:


Edited by ShaggyRo112
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Nick: DaanuT

Rank: 3

Am dat test cu: Seba97

Admis / respins: Admis

Numar de greseli: 0/3

Alte precizari: .

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Nick: DaanuT

Rank: 3

Am dat test cu: Maniak

Admis / respins: Admis

Numar de greseli: 2/3

Alte precizari: Succes in F.B.I





Nick: DaanuT

Rank: 3

Am dat test cu: Supranatural13

Admis / respins: Admis

Numar de greseli: 1/3

Alte precizari: Succes in F.B.I

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Nick: DaanuT

Rank: 3

Am dat test cu:DonSergio

Admis / respins: Admis

Numar de greseli:1/3

Alte precizari:Succes in F.B.I

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Nick: DaanuT

Rank: 3

Am dat test cu:Syl01

Admis / respins: Admis

Numar de greseli:0/3

Alte precizari:Bine ai venit in F.B.I!

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Nick: DaanuT

Rank: 3

Am dat test cu:[MR]SpriTes

Admis / respins: Admis

Numar de greseli:1/3

Alte precizari:Succes in F.B.I!!

Edited by Robotiquis
Scrie-i numele exact. Done. Achitat.
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Nick: DaanuT

Rank: 3

Am dat test cu:Cody123

Admis / respins:Transferat

Numar de greseli:0/3

Alte precizari:Welcome![/color]

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Nick: DaanuT


Am dat test cu:Bogda.Vicious

Admis / respins:Admis

Numar de greseli:2/3

Alte precizari:Welcome!

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Nick: DaanuT


Am dat test cu:_Tedy_

Admis / respins:Admis

Numar de greseli:2.5/3

Alte precizari:Succes in F.B.I!

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Nick: DaanuT


Am dat test cu:Nochance

Admis / respins:Admis

Numar de greseli:1/3

Alte precizari:Welcome!

Edited by Robotiquis
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Nick: DaanuT

Rank: 3

Am dat test cu:[MR].Bodos

Admis / respins:Admins

Numar de greseli:0.5/3

Alte precizari:Succes in F.B.I!

Edited by Robotiquis
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Nick: BlueAngel

Rank: 3

Am dat test cu: Realy_ccA

Admis / respins: RESPINS

Numar de greseli: 3/3

Alte precizari: Abia astept sa vorbesti cu Robotiquis baietas, data viitoare nu mai pupi F.B.I

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Nick: DaanuT

Rank: 3

Am dat test cu:mRL.

Admis / respins:Admis

Numar de greseli: 1/3

Alte precizari:Welcome!

Edited by Robotiquis
Done. Achitat.
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