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Request [Kenneth C]


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Display name: Johhny K

Doresc: Avatar/Signature

Text: Signature: Johnny Knoxville(Montalban-font; Drop Shadow) Mai jos: 'The star of the humanity' (un font gen Freebooter script sau scriptina pro) | Avatar: Johnny K

Dimensiuni: Avatar: 150x200 | Signature: 360x160

Imagine(obligatoriu): Signature: Click | Avatar:Click 2

Alte precizări?: Surprindeti-ma!

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La avatar n-ai pus nici un efect, iar la signature e prea deschis. R: Nu.


Prea inchis, multumesc. Nu.


EDIT: Da-ti :topic_closed: , mi-l fac singur.

Edited by Johnny K
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