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Scam emails / Emailuri inselatoare


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Buna ziua tuturor,

Am hotarat sa scriu acest mesaj tuturor membrilor, deoarece in ultimul timp apar din ce in ce mai multe conturi sparte doar din neatentia voastra. Ideea acestui mesaj este de a va invata sa va protejati de mailurile sau alte programe care va pot fura datele voastre. Cititi pasii de mai jos si incercati sa ii respectati.


1. Asigurati-va ca dificultatea parolelor este crescuta. Nu va puneti ca parola numele vostru sau anul in care v-ati nascut. Ex : andrei, 1990. Utilizati o combinatie potrivita de litere si cifre.

2. Utliziati parole diferite pe fiecare site pe care va inregistrati si notati-le pe un carnetel. Daca nu, macar folositi parole diferite de catre conturile importante(gen yahoo, mail). Nu folositi aceleasi parole pe alte servere.

3. Incercati sa nu descarcati programe nelegitime care pot contine virusi/keylogere si altele. Daca sunteti nesiguri de un anumit fisier, puteti sa il scanati online pe http://virustotal.com .

4. Nu aveti incredere in toti indivizii care va abordeaza pe messenger sau alte programe de instantchat. Nu acceptati fisiere de tip .exe care mai mult ca sigur contin un keylogger. Cele mai intalnite moduri prin care va poate pacali cineva sunt : "completeaza formularul", "esti tu in imaginea asta?", "porneste serverul acesta" sau ceva de genul. Cel mai important lucru este sa nu acceptati fisiere de tip .exe. Daca aveti nevoie de un program, downloadati-l de pe siteul lor oficial.

5. Nu credeti mailurile prin care va este promis un anumit premiu sau anumite beneficii. Am observat ca cineva tot trimite mailuri userilor prin care va promite un admin pe serverul B-Zone : RPG. Desigur ca acest lucru nu este adevarat si nu poate insemna nimic altceva decat un keylogger.

6. Nu aveti incredere in antivirus. Anumite keyloggere pot fi criptate si astfel pot trece de securitatea antivirusului dumneavoastra.

7. Repet, aveti grija cum umblati cu fisierele .exe. Adesea acestea pot fi arhivate si sa fiti pacaliti. Daca aveti nevoie de un anumit program, downloadati-l de pe pagina lor oficiala si nu de la "prieteni".




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Hi everybody,

I descided to write this message to you, because in the last time a lot of accounts were hacked by your mistake. The role of this message is to teach you how to protect you against the scam mails or other mallwares that could steal your login info. Read the following steps bellow and try to respect them.


1. Make sure that your password is complex. Don't use your name or your birthdate as your password. Ex : andrew, 1990. Use a combination between letters and numbers.

2. Use different passwords on every website and note them into a piece of paper. If not, don't use the same password you used for mail or yahoo acoounts. Don't use the same password on other servers.

3. Try to don't download untrusted programs that may contain viruses/keyloggers. If you don't trust a file, you can scan it online at http://virustotal.com .

4. Don't trust any person that contacts you on messenger or other instanmessangers. Don't accept .exe files that may contain a keylogger. The most used ways to hack you are : "complete this form", "are you in this image?", "start this server" or something like that. The most important fact is to don't accept .exe files. If you need a program, download it from the official website.

5. Don't trust mails in which you can win something. I have read some mails in which I was pleased to complete a form in becoming admin on B-Zone : RPG. Be sure that this isn't true and 100% it's a scam.

6. Don't trust your antivirus. Some keyloggers are encrypted and could pass your antivurs security.

7. I repeat : Don't accept .exe on your messenger. If you need a program, download it from the official website, not from your "friends".


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