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Gang Mihai

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Winner editia 3 : alyn17

Premiu acordat : http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/256/samp014cy.png/

Editia 4

Poza editiei : http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/21/samp013rk.png/

Precizari : spuneti doar numele masinii , fara alte aberatii , numele sa fie scris corect .

-maine va fi anuntat castigatorul editiei 4 , maine va incepe si editia 5

Edited by S k y l y Y
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Winner editia 4 : Stefan_Alex.2

Premiu acordat : http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/7/samp024ar.png/

Editia 5

Poza editiei : http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/716/samp023ap.png/

Precizari : bft

-editia actuala se va termina in seara aceasta , va incepe si urmatoare editie

-in urmatoarele editi , lucrurile se vor complica , pozele vor fi mai neclare(unghi prost , nu va fi toata masina in poza , s.a.m.d)

Edited by S k y l y Y
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