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Unknown X

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Salutare! Dupa cum bine stiti, in ultimele zile am adus cateva schimbari regulilor din factiune. Am sa le sintetizez aici, cat se poate de bine.



Regulile vechi:

1. orice anunt incomplet / gresit va fi sanctionat - $25,000 / Avertisment Verbal / Faction Warn.

2. cand publicati un anunt, anuntati pe chatul factiunii [/f] cu 5 - 20 de secunde inainte de publicarea acestuia pe [/news] - $25,000 / Avertisment Verbal

3. Lista membrilor ce doresc sa participe la anunturile gratuite se va face intotdeauna la ora xx:55:00 (sanctiune: Avertisment Verbal la prima abatere, Faction Warn la urmatoarele).

4. Inainte de a publica un anunt, sunteti obligati sa verificati jucatorul care va trimite [/sms] (sanctiune: Faction Warn). 

5. Numele vehiculelor si afacerilor vor fi scrise intotdeauna cu litera mare (sanctiune: $25,000 / Avertisment Verbal / Faction Warn). 

6. In timpul sesiunii de anunturi gratuite vorbesc pe chatul factiunii [/f] doar cei care sustin sesiunea (sanctiune: $25,000 / Avertisment Verbal / Faction Warn).

7. Un reporter are dreptul de a oferi un singur anunt pentru un coleg de factiune la o sesiune de anunturi gratuite (sanctiune: Avertisment Verbal la prima abatere, Faction Warn la urmatoarele).

8. Inainte de inceperea unui interviu aveti obligatia de clarifica invitatilor ca trebuie sa respecte regulile impuse pe [/l].

  • fara jigniri si greseli gramaticale.
  • fara emoticoane si prescurtari.
  • fara caps-lock excesiv si spam.
  • fara batjocura si luat la misto.

9. Premiul unui concurs reprezinta 80% din suma totala a banilor platiti de participanti (sanctiune: Avertisment Verbal la prima abatere, Faction Warn la urmatoarele). 

10. Emisiunile reprezinta un serviciu oferit de factiunea News Reporters. Emisiunile pot aborda diferite teme, ca de exemplu: Am / N-am sau Smash or Pass. Emisiunile pot fi sustinute doar de membrii factiunii News Reporters cu rank 4+ in factiune.

11. Concursurile reprezinta un serviciu oferit de factiunea News Reporters. Concursurile pot aborda diferite teme, ca de exemplu: Tari & Capitale, Automobile sau Istorie. Concursurile pot fi sustinute doar de membrii factiunii News Reporters cu rank 3+ in factiune.

12. Ziarele se vand intotdeauna la pretul de $50 (sanctiune: Avertisment Verbal la prima abatere, Faction Warn la urmatoarele).



Regulile noi:

1. orice anunt incomplet / gresit va fi sanctionat - $50,000 / Avertisment Verbal / Faction Warn.

2. cand publicati un anunt, anuntati pe chatul factiunii [/f] cu 5 - 20 de secunde inainte de publicarea acestuia pe [/news] - $50,000 / Avertisment Verbal

3. lista membrilor ce doresc sa participe la anunturile gratuite se va face intotdeauna dupa ora xx:55:00 (sanctiune: Avertisment Verbal la prima abatere, Faction Warn la urmatoarele.

4. Inainte de a publica un anunt, sunteti obligati sa verificati jucatorul care va trimite [/sms] (sanctiune: Avertisment Verbal / Faction Warn). 

5. Numele vehiculelor si afacerilor vor fi scrise intotdeauna cu litera mare (sanctiune: $50,000 / Avertisment Verbal). 

6. In timpul sesiunii de anunturi gratuite vorbesc pe chatul factiunii [/f] doar cei care sustin sesiunea (sanctiune: $50,000 / Avertisment Verbal / Faction Warn).

7. Un reporter are dreptul de a oferi un singur anunt pentru un singur coleg de factiune la o sesiune de anunturi gratuite (sanctiune: Avertisment Verbal la prima abatere, Faction Warn la urmatoarele).

8. Lipsa clarificarii regulilor impuse pe [/l] invitatilor se sanctioneaza cu Avertisment Verbal la prima abatere, Faction Warn la urmatoarele. 

9. Premiul unui concurs reprezinta 80% din suma totala a banilor platiti de participanti (sanctiune: Avertisment Verbal la prima abatere, Faction Warn la urmatoarele). 

IMPORTANT: Lipsa unei dovezi care atesta acordarea premiului participantului castigator duce la sanctionarea voastra cu Faction Warn.

10. Emisiunile reprezinta un serviciu oferit de factiunea News Reporters. Emisiunile pot aborda diferite teme, ca de exemplu: Am / N-am sau Smash or Pass. Emisiunile pot fi sustinute doar de membrii factiunii News Reporters cu rank 4+ in factiune si care detin functia de Reporter Calificat. (sanctiune: Faction Warn).

11. Concursurile reprezinta un serviciu oferit de factiunea News Reporters. Concursurile pot aborda diferite teme, ca de exemplu: Tari & Capitale, Automobile sau Istorie. Concursurile pot fi sustinute doar de membrii factiunii News Reporters cu rank 3+ in factiune si care detin functia de Reporter Calificat. (sanctiune: Faction Warn).

12. Ziarele se vand intotdeauna la pretul de $1.000 (sanctiune: Avertisment Verbal la prima abatere, Faction Warn la urmatoarele).



13. Lipsa unei dovezi cu [/livemembers] pentru orice tip de emisie se sanctioneaza cu Avertisment Verbal la prima abatere, Faction Warn la urmatoarele. (REGULA NOUA) 

14. Lipsa unei dovezi cu minim 3 si maxim 5 poze din timpul interviului se sanctioneaza cu Avertisment Verbal la prima abatere, Faction Warn la urmatoarele. (REGULA NOUA)

15. Lipsa unei dovezi cu titlul concursului organizat se sanctioneaza cu Avertisment Verbal la prima abatere, Faction Warn la urmatoarele. ((REGULA NOUA)

16. Lipsa unei dovezi cu titlul emisiunii organizate se sanctioneaza cu Avertisment Verbal la prima abatere, Faction Warn la urmatoarele. ((REGULA NOUA)




Hello! As you well know, in the last few days we have made some changes to the rules in the faction. I will summarize them here, as best as possible.



The old rules:

1. any incomplete / wrong announcement will be sanctioned - $25,000 / Verbal Warning / Faction Warn.

2. when publishing an announcement, announce it on faction chat [/f] 5 - 20 seconds before it is published on [/news] - $25,000 / Verbal Warning

3. The list of members who wish to participate in the free announcements will always be made at xx:55:00 (sanction: Verbal Warning for the first violation, Faction Warn for the following ones).

4. Before publishing an ad, you are obliged to check the player who will send you [/sms] (sanction: Faction Warn). 

5. Vehicle and business names will always be capitalized (sanction: $25,000 Verbal Warning / Faction Warn). 

6. During the free announcement session, only those who support the session talk on the faction chat [/f] (sanction: $25,000 / Verbal Warning / Faction Warn).

7. A reporter has the right to offer only one ad for a faction colleague in a free ad session (sanction: Verbal Warning for the first offense, Faction Warn for the following ones).

8. Before starting an interview, you have the obligation to clarify to the guests that they must respect the rules imposed on [/l].

  • without insults and grammatical mistakes.
  • without emoticons and abbreviations.
  • without excessive caps-lock and spam.
  • without mocking and cool.

9. The prize of a contest represents 80% of the total amount of money paid by the participants (sanction: Verbal Warning for the first violation, Faction Warn for the following ones). 

10. The shows are a service provided by the News Reporters faction. Shows can cover different themes, such as: I Have / I Haven't or Smash or Pass. Broadcasts can only be given by members of the faction News Reporters with rank 4+ in the faction.

11. Contests are a service provided by the News Reporters faction. Contests can address different topics, such as: Countries & Capitals, Automobiles or History. Contests can only be held by members of the faction News Reporters with rank 3+ in the faction.

12. Newspapers are always sold at the price of $50 (sanction: Verbal Warning for the first violation, Faction Warn for the following ones).


The new rules:

1. any incomplete / wrong announcement will be sanctioned - $50,000 / Verbal WarningFaction Warn.

2. when you publish an ad, announce it on the faction chat [/f] 5 - 20 seconds before it is published on [/news] - $50,000 / Verbal Warning

3. the list of members who wish to participate in the free announcements will always be made after xx:55:00 (penalty: Verbal Warning for the first violation, Faction Warn for the following ones.

4. Before publishing an announcement, you are obliged to check the player who will send you [/sms] (penalty: Verbal WarningFaction Warn). 

5. Vehicle and business names will always be capitalized (penalty: $50,000 / Verbal Warning). 

6. During the free announcement session, only those who support the session speak on the faction chat [/f] (penalty: $50,000 / Verbal WarningFaction Warn).

7. A reporter has the right to offer only one ad for a single faction colleague in a free announcement session (penalty: Verbal Warning for the first offense, Faction Warn for the following ones).

8. The lack of clarification of the rules imposed on [/l] guests is sanctioned with a Verbal Warning for the first violation, Faction Warn for the following ones. 

9. The prize of a competition represents 80% of the total amount of money paid by the participants (sanction: Verbal Warning for the first violation, Faction Warn for the following ones). 

IMPORTANT: The lack of a proof attesting the awarding of the prize to the winning participant leads to your being sanctioned with a Faction Warn.

10. The shows are a service provided by the News Reporters faction. Shows can cover different themes, such as: I Have / I Haven't or Smash or Pass. Broadcasts can only be supported by members of the News Reporters faction with rank 4+ in the faction and who hold the position of Qualified Reporter. (penalty: Faction Warn).

11. Contests are a service provided by the News Reporters faction. Contests can address different topics, such as: Countries & Capitals, Automobiles or History. Contests can only be held by members of the News Reporters faction with rank 3+ in the faction and who hold the position of Qualified Reporter. (penalty: Faction Warn).

12. Newspapers are always sold at the price of $1,000 (sanction: Verbal Warning for the first violation, Faction Warn for the following ones).


13. Lack of proof with [/livemembers] for any type of emission is sanctioned with a Verbal Warning for the first offense, Faction Warn for the following ones. (NEW RULE) 

14. The lack of a proof with a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 5 photos during the interview is sanctioned with a Verbal Warning for the first violation, Faction Warn for the following ones. (NEW RULE)

15. The lack of proof of the title of the organized contest is sanctioned with a Verbal Warning for the first violation, Faction Warn for the following ones. (NEW RULE)

16. The lack of proof of the title of the organized show is sanctioned with a Verbal Warning for the first violation, Faction Warn for the following ones. (NEW RULE)


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