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Hitmen Agency - Alătură-te Agenției | Join the Agency


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RO : Cei acceptaţi pentru teste sunt: Insane, Lucyanteq99, Pyrocel, [F4L]Dextter, Vincenzo, Kennedy, Starjkee2k,, Ronaldo.xd, Oil09, Macabru, Zikoo., Edward_Nisan, Blackthief, Dragos07, Crissy., Silence.

Aveţi timp să daţi proba 1 ( regulamentul ), respectiv proba 2 ( contractul ) până Sambata la ora 22:00.

Cine nu se prezintă la proba 1, 2 până Sambata la ora 22:00 va fi picat.

Asteptati sa fiti contactati de un rank 4+, nu-l sunati voi.

EN : Those accepted for the tests are: Insane, Lucyanteq99, Pyrocel, [F4L]Dextter, Vincenzo, Kennedy, Starjkee2k,, Ronaldo.xd, Oil09, Macabru, Zikoo., Edward_Nisan, Blackthief, Dragos07, Crissy., Silence.

You have time to give sample 1 ( the rules ) and sample 2 ( the contract ) until Saturday at 22:00.

Who doesn't show for the sample 1, 2 untill 22:00 on Saturday will be rejected.

Wait for a rank 4+ to call you, don't call them.

Edited by RzR MariuS
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RO : Hitmen Agency recrutează aproximativ 18 noi agenţi, din care aproximativ 8-9 vor rămane in facţiune.
Aplicaţiile vor fi deschise 6 ore, sau mai mult timp (depinde de numărul concurenţilor).
Trataţi modul de completare a aplicaţiilor cu seriozitate şi sinceritate. Aplicatiile se fac pe site-ul

EN : Hitmen Agency is recruting 18 new agents, from which only 8-9 will remain in faction .
The application topic will be unlocked for 6 hours, or more.
Treat the model of completation with seriousness and sincerity. The aplications will be made on the site

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RO :

Aveţi timp să daţi proba 1 ( regulamentul ), respectiv proba 2 ( contractul ) până Luni la ora 14:00.

Cine nu se prezintă la proba 1, 2 până Luni la ora 14:00 va fi picat.

Asteptati sa fiti contactati de un rank 4+, nu-l sunati voi.

EN :

You have time to give sample 1 ( the rules ) and sample 2 ( the contract ) until Monday at 14:00.

Who doesn't show for the sample 1, 2 untill 14:00 on Monday will be rejected.

Wait for a rank 4+ to call you, don't call them.

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RO : Hitmen Agency recrutează aproximativ 21 noi agenţi, din care aproximativ 11 vor rămane in facţiune.

Aplicaţiile vor fi deschise 7 ore, sau mai mult timp (depinde de numărul concurenţilor).
Trataţi modul de completare a aplicaţiilor cu seriozitate şi sinceritate. Aplicatiile se fac pe site-ul

EN : Hitmen Agency is recruting 21 new agents, from which only 11 will remain in faction.

The application topic will be unlocked for 7 hours, or more.
Treat the model of completation with seriousness and sincerity. The aplications will be made on the site

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RO :

Aveţi timp să daţi proba 1 ( regulamentul ), respectiv proba 2 ( contractul ) până Duminica la ora 14:00.

Cine nu se prezintă la proba 1, 2 până Duminica la ora 14:00 va fi picat.

Asteptati sa fiti contactati de un rank 4+, nu-l sunati voi.

EN :

You have time to give sample 1 ( the rules ) and sample 2 ( the contract ) until Sunday at 14:00.

Who doesn't show for the sample 1, 2 untill 14:00 on Sunday will be rejected.

Wait for a rank 4+ to call you, don't call them.

Edited by RzR MariuS
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RO : Hitmen Agency recrutează aproximativ 10 noi agenţi, din care aproximativ 5 vor rămane in facţiune.

Aplicaţiile vor fi deschise 12 ore, sau mai mult timp (depinde de numărul concurenţilor).
Trataţi modul de completare a aplicaţiilor cu seriozitate şi sinceritate. Aplicatiile se fac pe site-ul

EN : Hitmen Agency is recruting 10 new agents, from which only 5 will remain in faction.

The application topic will be unlocked for 12 hours, or more.
Treat the model of completation with seriousness and sincerity. The aplications will be made on the site

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RO :

Aveţi timp să daţi proba 1 ( regulamentul ), respectiv proba 2 ( contractul ) până Miercuri la ora 13:00

Cine nu se prezintă la proba 1, 2 până Miercuri la ora 13:00 va fi picat.

Asteptati sa fiti contactati de un rank 4+, nu-l sunati voi.

EN :

You have time to give sample 1 ( the rules ) and sample 2 ( the contract ) until Wednesday at 13:00.

Who doesn't show for the sample 1, 2 untill 13:00 on Wednesday will be rejected.

Wait for a rank 4+ to call you, don't call them.

Edited by RzR MariuS
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RO : Hitmen Agency recrutează aproximativ 12 noi agenţi, din care aproximativ 6 vor rămane in facţiune.

Aplicaţiile vor fi deschise 12 ore, sau mai mult timp (depinde de numărul concurenţilor).
Trataţi modul de completare a aplicaţiilor cu seriozitate şi sinceritate. Aplicatiile se fac pe site-ul

EN : Hitmen Agency is recruting 12 new agents, from which only 6 will remain in faction.

The application topic will be unlocked for 12 hours, or more.
Treat the model of completation with seriousness and sincerity. The aplications will be made on the site

Edited by RzR MariuS
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RO :

Aveţi timp să daţi proba 1 ( regulamentul ), respectiv proba 2 ( contractul ) până Marti la ora 16:00

Cine nu se prezintă la proba 1, 2 până Marti ora 16:00 va fi picat.

Asteptati sa fiti contactati de un rank 4+, nu-l sunati voi.

EN :

You have time to give sample 1 ( the rules ) and sample 2 ( the contract ) until Tuesday at 16:00.

Who doesn't show for the sample 1, 2 untill 16:00 on Tuesday will be rejected.

Wait for a rank 4+ to call you, don't call them.

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RO : Hitmen Agency recrutează aproximativ 10 noi agenţi, din care doar 5 vor rămane in facţiune.

Aplicaţiile vor fi deschise pana maine in jurul orei 12.
Seriozitatea este caracteristica primordiala a acestora. Aplicatiile se fac pe site-ul

EN : Hitmen Agency is recruting 10 new agents, from which only 5 will remain in faction.

The application topic will be unlocked until tomorrow at 12.
Treat them with seriousness and make them worth. The aplications will be made on the site

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  • Aveti timp sa dati proba 1(teoria), respectiv proba 2(practica) pana marti, ora 18:00. Daca nu le-ati dat pana atunci, sunteti considerati picati.
  • Asteptati sa va contacteze un tester.


  • You have time to sustain probe 1(rules) and probe 2(contract) until tuesday, at 18:00, otherwise you'll fail the tests.
  • Wait for a tester to contact you.
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RO : Hitmen Agency recrutează aproximativ 10 noi agenţi, din care doar 5 vor rămane in facţiune.

Aplicaţiile vor fi deschise pana diseara.
Seriozitatea este caracteristica primordiala a acestora. Aplicatiile se fac pe site-ul

EN : Hitmen Agency is recruting 10 new agents, from which only 5 will remain in faction.

The applications will be unlocked until tonight.
Treat them with seriousness and make them worth. The aplications will be made on the site

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  • Aveti timp sa dati proba 1(teoria), respectiv proba 2(practica) pana luni, ora 21:00. Daca nu le-ati dat pana atunci, sunteti considerati picati.
  • Asteptati sa va contacteze un tester.


  • You have time to sustain probe 1(rules) and probe 2(contract) until monday, at 21:00, otherwise you'll fail the tests.
  • Wait for a tester to contact you.
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RO : Hitmen Agency recrutează aproximativ 10 noi agenţi, din care doar 5 vor rămane in facţiune.

Aplicaţiile vor fi deschise pana maine.
Seriozitatea este caracteristica primordiala a acestora. Aplicatiile se fac pe site-ul

EN : Hitmen Agency is recruting 10 new agents, from which only 5 will remain in faction.

The applications will be unlocked until tomorrow.
Treat them with seriousness and make them worth. The aplications will be made on the site

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  • Aveti timp sa dati proba 1(teoria), respectiv proba 2(practica) pana miercuri, ora 21:00. Daca nu le-ati dat pana atunci, sunteti considerati picati.
  • Asteptati sa va contacteze un tester.


  • You have time to sustain probe 1(rules) and probe 2(contract) until wednesday, at 21:00, otherwise you'll fail the tests.
  • Wait for a tester to contact you.
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RO : Hitmen Agency recrutează aproximativ 14 noi agenţi, din care doar 7 vor rămane in facţiune.

Aplicaţiile vor fi deschise pana maine.
Seriozitatea este caracteristica primordiala a acestora. Aplicatiile se fac pe site-ul

EN : Hitmen Agency is recruting 14 new agents, from which only 7 will remain in faction.

The applications will be unlocked until tomorrow.
Treat them with seriousness and make them worth. The aplications will be made on the site

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  • Aveti timp sa dati proba 1(teoria), respectiv proba 2(practica) pana sambata, ora 21:00. Daca nu le-ati dat pana atunci, sunteti considerati picati.
  • Asteptati sa va contacteze un tester.


  • You have time to sustain probe 1(rules) and probe 2(contract) until saturday, at 21:00, otherwise you'll fail the tests.
  • Wait for a tester to contact you.
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RO : Hitmen Agency recrutează aproximativ 10 noi agenţi, din care doar 5 vor rămane in facţiune.

Aplicaţiile vor fi deschise pana maine.
Seriozitatea este caracteristica primordiala a acestora. Aplicatiile se fac pe site-ul

EN : Hitmen Agency is recruting 10 new agents, from which only 5 will remain in faction.

The applications will be unlocked until tomorrow.
Treat them with seriousness and make them worth. The aplications will be made on the site

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  • Aveti timp sa dati proba 1(teoria), respectiv proba 2(practica) pana duminica, ora 18:00. Daca nu le-ati dat pana atunci, sunteti considerati picati.
  • Asteptati sa va contacteze un tester.


  • You have time to sustain probe 1(rules) and probe 2(contract) until Sunday, at 18:00, otherwise you'll fail the tests.
  • Wait for a tester to contact you.

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RO : Hitmen Agency recrutează aproximativ 10 noi agenţi, din care doar 5 vor rămane in facţiune.

Aplicaţiile vor fi deschise pana diseara.
Seriozitatea este caracteristica primordiala a acestora. Aplicatiile se fac pe site-ul

EN : Hitmen Agency is recruting 10 new agents, from which only 5 will remain in faction.

The applications will be unlocked until tonight.
Treat them with seriousness and make them worth. The aplications will be made on the site

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Avand in vedere ca foarte multi jucatori cu experienta au aplicat, am decis sa-i accept pe toti cei care merita aceasta sansa, pentru ca ati fost surprinzator de multi, veti primi mai mult timp pentru a da probele necesare. Fie ca cei mai buni sa ramana in factiune.


  • Aveti timp sa dati proba 1(teoria), respectiv proba 2(practica) pana vineri, ora 18:00. Daca nu le-ati dat pana atunci, sunteti considerati picati.
  • Asteptati sa va contacteze un tester.


  • You have time to sustain probe 1(rules) and probe 2(contract) until Friday, at 18:00, otherwise you'll fail the tests.
  • Wait for a tester to contact you.
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RO : Hitmen Agency recrutează aproximativ 12 noi agenţi, din care doar 6 vor rămane in facţiune.

Aplicaţiile sunt deschise.
Seriozitatea si activitatea este caracteristica primordiala a acestora. Aplicatiile se fac pe site-ul

EN : Hitmen Agency is recruting 12 new agents, from which only 6 will remain in faction.

The applications are open now.
Treat them with seriousness and make them worth. The aplications will be made on the site

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Players accepted for the test: Rastaline, Denyel,Sn[a]k3, FreeLandeR, Rower, .Valy, UltRaSs, Joker, Cristi, Hogan, ClaudiuX, PhaReLL, ionutbyGamingHD, xSavi



  • Aveti timp sa dati proba 1(teoria), respectiv proba 2(practica) pana vineri, ora 18:00. Daca nu le-ati dat pana atunci, sunteti considerati picati.
  • Asteptati sa va contacteze un tester.


  • You have time to sustain probe 1(rules) and probe 2(contract) until Friday, at 18:00, who doesn't get the test in this time, will faill the tests.
  • Wait for a tester to contact you.
Edited by BiGziLa
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RO : Hitmen Agency recrutează aproximativ 10 noi agenţi, din care doar 7 vor rămane in facţiune.

Aplicaţiile sunt deschise.
Seriozitatea si activitatea este caracteristica primordiala a acestora. Aplicatiile se fac pe site-ul

EN : Hitmen Agency is recruting 10 new agents, from which only 7 will remain in faction.

The applications are open now.
Treat them with seriousness and make them worth. The aplications will be made on the site

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Players accepted for the test: PvP., Thelier, Emilya, Amer, Cows, Regenesis, Zarox, RayZz0., .Roby, Rowe, LSD.


  • Aveti timp 24 de ore sa dati proba 1(teoria), respectiv proba 2(practica), cu testerul cu care ati fost selectat. Daca nu dati de tester, faceti poze la 5 ore diferite, testerul va fi sanctionat iar voi veti da testul cu altcineva.
  • Nu incercati sa fraudati testele, o sa aveti surprize, daca va prind ca faceti asta, nu cred ca o sa mai aveti sanse la Hitmen.


  • We have 24 hours for probe 1(rules) and probe 2(contract), with the tester with who was selected. If the tester don't enter, make ss at 5 diferit hours and send me, the tester will be punish and we will get the thest with anything.
  • Don't try to fraud the test, we will have the surprize, if I caught we that do it, we don't have any chance to enter in Hitmen.

Edited by BiGziLa
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