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I spent most of my free time playing videogames in various genre. My favorite genre is RPG, but I can't deny that I am also a big fan of fighting games. For me, playing RPG is like watching serious movie that requires your full concentration and thinking capacity. It's completely different from playing fighting games, which I can do it merely for the purpose of having fun. However, it doesn't mean that fighting games are shallow or only created as cheap entertainments. They also have a lot of aesthetic and philosophical aspects that may amaze us. I even think that some of them have beautifully written storyline that would be interesting if it is adapted into movies.

School Back :DDDDDDDD Good Luck

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@, fusu' orar depinde de Merdian, deci Est / Vest, ma prostule! :*

Salut, ce mai faceti? Cum mai e viata aici?

* M-a lasat Director Ciuperca (a.k.a Haze) sa postez.


Exprimarea. next warn.


Saluare btw ca n-am fost pe aici de mult.

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Welcome back School


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Neata agenti , am si eu o mica MARE problema..cand vreau sa intru in game spune ca am ban pe IP .

Nu am facut nimic ca sa iau ban , nu apar in ban list , deci..unde e cheia problemei ?

Am facut si o cerere de unban..sper sa se rezolve.

Eu sper ca pana deseara sa imi scoata ban-ul sa pot ajunge la sedinta si antrenament .

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Morning Agenti


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Neata agenti , am si eu o mica MARE problema..cand vreau sa intru in game spune ca am ban pe IP .

Nu am facut nimic ca sa iau ban , nu apar in ban list , deci..unde e cheia problemei ?

Am facut si o cerere de unban..sper sa se rezolve.

Eu sper ca pana deseara sa imi scoata ban-ul sa pot ajunge la sedinta si antrenament .


Dai un restart la modem. E de la server /lag.

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Hello , Tomorrow 15.09.2014 School Back

Welcome back :'( Damage

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Pentru ca ai zis cu mana ta ca revii pe 14 . Puteai sa precizezi ca ajungi seara si ca n-o sa ajungi la antrenament / sedinta . La fel si cu endth.s , data viitoare precizati si voi , am dat edit .

Edited by South Sour
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Morning Agenti !!

I come back from School . Really am so bored

I need SAMP for fun

Cya on Game

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Holla , Am addicted to you

Yes to u


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Good Night Agenti !!

we will talk tomorrow

I wait Something else , Waiting Waiting 90%

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Salutare agenti !

Ce mai faceti ? :D

Ahahah, cine se regaseste in aceasta poza ?


Edited by South Ella F o X
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