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ATENTIE!!! S-au adus unele modificari in regulament la Noutati.Cititi-l din nou!


ATENTION!!! I have made some modifications in rules at News*. Read it again!

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ATENTIE!!! S-au adus unele modificari in regulament la Noutati.Cititi-l din nou!


ATENTION!!! I have made some modifications in rules at News*. Read it again!




1. Nu va mai exista delimitarea ce vizeaza robberii. Astfel membrii departamentelor vor putea merge dupa robberi indiferent care banca ar fi jefuita.


2. Membrii FBI de rank 1 nu vor putea merge dupa suspecti cu wanted 6 fara drept de predare. Se poate face exceptie la aceasta regula in urmatorul caz: Un suspect, cu drept de predare, nu se preda si primeste wanted 6 pe motivul runner de la un rank 1. Acel rank 1 are dreptul de a urmari respectivul suspect.


3. Membrii departamentelor nu vor putea pleca din factiune daca inca exista plangeri la adresa lor.


4. Membrii NG nu mai pot aresta suspecti de wanted 1.










1. The Rob LS / Rob LV limitation will no longer exist. Thus, department members will be able to pursue and kill bank robbers, no matter what bank they choose to rob.


2. Rank 1 FBI members are not allowed to chase suspects that have wanted 6 and no right to surrender. An exception to this rule can be taken in the following situation: A certain suspect (who has the right to surrender) chooses to run from the rank 1 member who comes to arrest him and he receives wanted 6 with "runner" status. That rank 1 member has the right to chase the "runner" he convicted.


3. A department member is not allowed to leave the faction if unanswered complaints about that member still exist.


4. NG members cannot arrest wanted 1 suspects.


Buna seara soldatei,nu mai arestam w1,si acum iar vin fbi la rob ..

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