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Salut colegi ce faceti ?Eu abia m'am trezit si nu ma simt prea bine. dH01you have a post against you at " Reclama un membru Barzini ".You can't post there , if you post there you get a FW.If you have a explication give a PM to Oantzah.

Edited by Dragonuu
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Eu si cu engleza mea de 3 lei :-W

ma las de meserie :|

Eu ma chinui de 2 ore la photoshop nu inteleg nimik e greu:|!

nustiu unde am dat si au disparut alea din dreapta care te ajuta la imagine

nici nustiu cum sa le zic.. care se pricepe putin ajutor plz:D

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Salut colegi ce faceti ?Eu abia m'am trezit si nu ma simt prea bine. dH01you have a post against you at " Reclama un membru Barzini ".You can't post there , if you post there you get a FW.If you have a explication give a PM to Oantzah.


Yea I know, I was conused because DeniX said complination instead of complaint. There is a big difference :).


Edit: Uni time, cya all later /:)

Edited by NGU DH01
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Neata Barzini ce faceti ? Tocmai am descoperit un codat. O sa aibe grija Gabb de el.Sobeit .... cum a luat si RobertR ban :D

Voi ce faceti ? Server Down ? :| Cat imi doream sa mai ating inca odata FCR :X

Edited by Shogard
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Neata Barzini ce faceti ? Tocmai am descoperit un codat. O sa aibe grija Gabb de el.Sobeit .... cum a luat si RobertR ban :D

Voi ce faceti ? Server Down ? :| Cat imi doream sa mai ating inca odata FCR :X

NeaTza Shogard

Eu sunt treaz de ieri :)) nam somn :| astept sa deschida serveru ca deja mam plictisit X_X am stat toata noaptea pe tusha

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Salut bai colegi/colege! M-am intors de la scoala si eu :)... Vedeti ca eu o sa intru pe la vreo 8 cam asa ca am niste treaba... si nu o sa pot sa stau... intru la antrenament :)

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