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Red Dragon Triad - Discuţii/Discussions


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Nick: _V.I.P_

Nick Previous: None.

Name (real): Daniel

Real age: 16

Level: 23

ScreenShot / stats (in this picture to you and / time): http://uploadimage.r...26886704256.png

Warn level: 0/3

Previous factions: Taxi Cab Co. , The Stracci Family. The Tattaglia Family , The Cuneo Family

The reason you faction resigned from previous: Wanted to join Barzini

Skill'uri in secondary jobs: Mechanic:5 , Detective:5 , Fishing:5 , Car Jacker:2.

Why you want to enter the Barzini?: Because i am very fond of weapons and drugs and ofcourse mafia respect and i have chosen barzini because this is the most respectable mafia in B-Zone and members are always in teamwork and it haves very importance for me thats why i want to join barzini...

Barzini know the rules?: Yes.

Know how to work in a team?: Yes.

Realize that we are serious and do not accept a mafia joke andexcess?: Yes.

You are the black-list of other mafias?: No.

Are you willing to pay to be removed from the blacklist possible?: --

How long play SA: MP on the B-Zone?: 7-8months

How many hours play per day? (Not / sleep): 5-6hours

A brief characterization of your (minimum 30 words): I am very friendly and i love to make new friends and i share all my feelings with my friends because i am very frank with them...

What do you think deals Barzini Family?: Drugs, Respect , Weapons, Traffic

You agree that you must stay for at least 2 weeks in Barzini?: Yes.

You had a history of a member Barzini?: No, but want to be

You follow the leader and members with higher rank of the Barzinifamily?: Yes, Sure.

Other specifications?:just want to join paterno and i hope to get accepted...


Just see the highlighted things =))

Edited by Talha Jameel
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