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Faddy , you know then a mechanic must do a raport . Something like that (for you) :


*Nick : fadDy_Gemini

*Rank : 1

*Refill :

-Monday : ( 3 ss with refill you o in that day)

-Tuesday : ( 3 ss with refill you do in that day)

-Wednesday : ( 3 ss with refill you do in that day)

-Thursday : ( 3 ss with refill you do in that day)

-Friday : ( 3 ss with refill you do in that day)

*Prods :

-Monday : ( ss with prods you sell in that day )

-Tuesday : ( ss with prods you sell in that day )

-Wednesday : ( ss with prods you sell in that day )

-Thursday : ( ss with prods you sell in that day )

-Friday : ( ss with prods you sell in that day )

*Members who help :

*Anything else :


And now .... :

1. At ss with refill - you must refill all our cars twice , and when you finish , go in that place i show you and make 3 ss . The ss must not be the same.You must take 3 ss / day (exept weekend , is not necessarily in that 2 days )

2. With prods - i sugest you to sellprods in all day of week(exept weekend , is not necessarily in that 2 days ) , and to all our Business ,(Pig Pen , Bank ls , Restaurant ls , Car Rent LS , General Store LV , Jizzy Club lv , Restaurant lv) till they are full . You must /sellprods , wait till the text "our stores are full" disappear , type /time , and them make ss.

3.At "Members who help you" you must say all members who help you to refill or who go to sellprods with you.

4.At "Anything else" is not necessarily to type something .... If in one day you cant sellprods or refill you must type here.

5.You can umpload you screenshots here : http://imageshack.us/

6.The raport must be posted here : http://b-zone.ro/forum/topic/25624-mecanicii-corleone-family/


And I think thats all . Good luck ! And if its anything you dont understand about this raport . Please contact me .

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Back de afara ....


Faddy , you know then a mechanic must do a raport . Something like that (for you) :


*Nick : fadDy_Gemini

*Rank : 1

*Refill :

-Monday : ( 3 ss with refill you o in that day)

-Tuesday : ( 3 ss with refill you do in that day)

-Wednesday : ( 3 ss with refill you do in that day)

-Thursday : ( 3 ss with refill you do in that day)

-Friday : ( 3 ss with refill you do in that day)

*Prods :

-Monday : ( ss with prods you sell in that day )

-Tuesday : ( ss with prods you sell in that day )

-Wednesday : ( ss with prods you sell in that day )

-Thursday : ( ss with prods you sell in that day )

-Friday : ( ss with prods you sell in that day )

*Members who help :

*Anything else :


And now .... :

1. At ss with refill - you must refill all our cars twice , and when you finish , go in that place i show you and make 3 ss . The ss must not be the same.You must take 3 ss / day (exept weekend , is not necessarily in that 2 days )

2. With prods - i sugest you to sellprods in all day of week(exept weekend , is not necessarily in that 2 days ) , and to all our Business ,(Pig Pen , Bank ls , Restaurant ls , Car Rent LS , General Store LV , Jizzy Club lv , Restaurant lv) till they are full . You must /sellprods , wait till the text "our stores are full" disappear , type /time , and them make ss.

3.At "Members who help you" you must say all members who help you to refill or who go to sellprods with you.

4.At "Anything else" is not necessarily to type something .... If in one day you cant sellprods or refill you must type here.

5.You can umpload you screenshots here : http://imageshack.us/

6.The raport must be posted here : http://b-zone.ro/forum/topic/25624-mecanicii-corleone-family/


And I think thats all . Good luck ! And if its anything you dont understand about this raport . Please contact me .


Frumos tutorial , felicitari .

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NeaTzaa Corleone

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succes jack .. sa nu uiti samponu si sapunu :X


welcome celor noi


Welcome celor noi.

Don cand avem ma sedinta?Ca sa inchis srv ...

Intra pe mess putin :-W

Edited by Catalin Neagu
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