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Outlaws v 2.0.2

Year:1997 | PC Game | Eng Rus | Developer: LucasArts Entertainment | Publishing house: LucasArts Entertainment | 649.17 MB

Genre:Shooter / 3D / 1st Person

Once James Anderson was known as the best sheriff in the Wild West all. Not surprisingly, even on the resignation he has left a lot of enemies, who are dreaming to bring with them scores. And now, returning home one day, James discovers that his ranch is lit, the wife of murdered and kidnapped his daughter. It's time again to pick up the Colt faithful, and to avenge the scoundrels.


Features of Release


Resources, rebuilt in such a way that the game does not require the disc changer

-Music is combined into a single image

-Configs music rewritten, so that at each level will play just those tracks, which should


System requirements:

♦ Operating System: Windows 95 (tested on Win 7x64 Sp1)

♦ Processor: Pentium 60 MHz

♦ Memory: 16MB

♦ Video: SVGA

♦ Sound system: 16-bit




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