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Las Venturas Taxi - Discuții | Discussions


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Lol voi ce parere aveti :)))) ? =))




[03:28:41] LiveNR AnGeLx: Cum ti se pare Taxi cu Gang_mihai ca sublider?

[03:28:47] ** Trainee Gang_Mihai: (( LOL ))  **

[03:28:50] SMS: lol esti sublider?, Sender: Iuly_Boitan ({FFFFFF}8249{FFFF00})

[03:28:56] * Gang_Mihai takes out his/her cellphone and writes a message.

[03:28:56] SMS: ), Receiver: Iuly_Boitan ({FFFFFF}8249{FFFF00})

[03:28:56] Text Message Delivered

[03:29:01] LivePlayer Mike.Capone: Il cunosc pe Mihai

[03:29:04] Advertisement: Vand /schimb casa lvl 5 LS(langa alhambra) accept si masini!!, Placed by Mr.ShAdoW (Phone: {FFFFFF}1800{00D900})

[03:29:05] LivePlayer Mike.Capone: Cred ca este bine acolo cu el

[03:29:05] SMS: , Sender: Iuly_Boitan ({FFFFFF}8249{FFFF00})

[03:29:07] ** Trainee Noss: (( salut  ))  **

[03:29:10] ** Trainee Gang_Mihai: (( re ))  **

[03:29:13] LiveNR AnGeLx: Crezi ca mafia Corleone isi face bine treaba?

[03:29:13] Taxi Driver Noss is on duty, fare: $50.

[03:29:18] ** Trainee Gang_Mihai: (( uite ce intrebare a pus +)))))))))) ))  **

[03:29:19] ** Noss have accepted the taxi call from Adryan5200.

[03:29:27] * You are now off duty and earned $0.

[03:29:29] LivePlayer Mike.Capone: NU, dau pareri despre mafii

[03:29:32] * Gang_Mihai stops engine of the Taxi.

Edited by S k y l y y
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