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Event : Deagle | Premiu : 2.500.000 $


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Event : Deagle

Va avea loc Duminica aceasta ( 27.11.2011 ) .

Ora : 20 : 30

Nu au voie sa participe toti civilii .

Pentru a putea participa trebuie sa faci o cerere care sa fie acceptata :



Nick-ul :

Level :

Factiune :




In english :

Event : Deagle

Hour : 20 : 00

On this Sunday ( 27.11.2011 )

WIthout all civilians , will be selected .

If you want to participate at this event you need to make a request and it will be accepted if you are a good player :



IG Name :

Level :

Faction :




Members :

  1. Barzini Family ( all members )
  2. RazvanYs
  3. Dragos
  4. Tomyy
  5. ThE.MiStEr
  6. Biankaa
  7. Nelson
  8. Don.StaNfa
  9. Daryus
  10. Meghy
  11. rELoaD..
  12. syl01
  13. Snugst3rr
  14. Cappalini
  15. tropicos
  16. MaDyTz
  17. aLLx
  18. TohaNeaNu
  19. Hank
  20. CharLie.
  21. RydeR
  22. Dany2010
  23. briaN.
  24. Dragnea
  25. Krysty
  26. quintrixON
  27. Gisele
  28. CrazyWolf
  29. Sickk
  30. Kalashhh
  31. kvb_bv
  32. Robert..
  33. Kamicazes
  34. Anthony.
  35. Cornelius
  36. pUnK.
  37. TudorTudy23
  38. Don.Mike
  39. Andrei_Diaz
  40. Blue_BlooD
  41. Mr.Renato
  42. R0bytzu05
  43. AnGeL.

Edited by WeeLd
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[skillZ]Max - Am precizat ca toti membri din Barzini fac parte la acest event .

daryuS - Acceptat

Lao.Capone - nu esti acceptat .

fearleSs - nu esti acceptat .

Don.StaNfa - Acceptat .

Edited by WeeLd
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