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Campionat Deagle intre Departamente


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* Nume: Mr.Yanys.

* Departament: Federal Bureau of Investigation.

* Rank: 1 - Professional Staff.

* Esti de acord cu regulamentul?: Da.

* Alte precizari: - .

Edited by YanyS
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Nume: Vicsido

Factiune: Barzini Family.

Suma: 500k

Alte precizari: Bafta la event.


Multumim pentru donatie Vicsido premiul a ajuns la 5.500.000$.


John,Xavier si TheKillerFish,sunteti acceptati.

Edited by FlameS
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Nume: Ferarry_robert

Departament: NG

Rank: 1

Esti de acord cu regulamentul?: Da

Alte precizari: Cel mai bun sa castige :D

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