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LV School Instructors - Lista neagră | Black list


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  • Nick: The_Game.
  • Level:14
  • Rank: LV Instructor (2)
  • Nick-ul celui reclamat: MG000
  • Bara RPG a celui reclamat: MG000.png
  • Motiv: DM
  • Dovezi: http://imgur.com/a/i4myD
  • Alte precizări: -


MG000 will be added on blacklist with 1/2 warns for DM on LV School Instructor's member.

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  • Nick: The_Game.
  • Level: 16
  • Rank: LV Instructor (2)
  • Nick-ul celui reclamat: GamingRoby_YTB

  • Bara RPG a celui reclamat: GamingRoby_YTB.png
  • Motiv: DM
  • Dovezi: http://imgur.com/a/vLFRZ
  • Alte precizări: pup


GamingRoby_YTB will be added on Blacklist with 1/2 warns for DM on LVSI member.

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  • Nick: GaBBlue
  • Level: 46
  • Rank: Rank 5
  • Nick-ul celui reclamat:PinguinulAlex

  • Bara RPG a celui reclamat: PinguinulAlex.png
  • Motiv: DM
  • Dovezi: http://imgur.com/a/f7iIC
  • Alte precizări: Pa.


PinguinulAlex will not be added on Blacklist, He didn't killed you or used a weapon on you, he just hit you and you already called 112.

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  • Nick: Claudiu.KiNG
  • Level:20
  • Rank:3
  • Nick-ul celui reclamat:D0G
  • Bara RPG a celui reclamat:D0G.png
  • Motiv:Furt de masina.
  • Dovezi:http://imgur.com/a/bqdyP
  • Alte precizăr: Multumesc!


D0G will not be added on blacklist,he just jack your car and you used [/call 112].

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L-am adaugat pe John_Wick pe black list cu 1/2 AV:
Bara stats:John_Wick.png
Dovezi: 1 AV -DM: http://imgur.com/a/ugKmd


L-am adaugat pe Zack pe black list cu 1/2 AV:
Bara stats:Zack.png
Dovezi: 1 AV -Drive-by: http://imgur.com/a/NLTSc

Edited by Harborym
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  • Nick:Elvisano.VOIEVOD
  • Level:26
  • Rank:1
  • Nick-ul celui reclamat:[ZUEE]BillBor
  • Bara RPG a celui reclamat:BillBor.png
  • Motiv:Dm
  • Dovezi: http://imgur.com/a/qMlo4
  • Alte precizări: Nu[

[ZUEE]billbor nu v'a fi adaugat pe lista neagra. Te-ai razbunat pe el in game [/call 112].

Edited by Harborym
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L-am adaugat pe tyrannosaurus.rex pe black list cu 2/2 AV:
Bara stats:Tyrannosaurus.Rex.png

Dovezi: 1 AV -DM fara motiv: http://imgur.com/a/2W6sP


L-am adaugat pe .radon pe black list cu 1/2 AV:
Bara stats:.RaDoN.png

Dovezi: 1 AV -Limbaj licentios: http://imgur.com/a/4Dwyh

Edited by Harborym
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  • Nick: sExTaZy
  • Level: 24
  • Rank: 1
  • Nick-ul celui reclamat: _Mihai_
  • Bara RPG a celui reclamat: _Mihai_.png
  • Motiv: Dm aiurea.
  • Dovezi: http://imgur.com/a/Pw942
  • Alte precizări: Nu.


_Mihai_ will be added on Blacklist with 1/2 warn for DM on LVSI member.

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1 hour ago, dArIuS19 said:
  • Nick: dArIuS_19
  • Level: 55
  • Rank: 5
  • Nick-ul celui reclamat: Bogdyplays
  • Bara RPG a celui reclamat: BogdyPlays.png
  • Motiv: DM
  • Dovezi: 
  • Alte precizări: -

Bogdyplays va fi adaugat pe blacklist cu 1/2 AV pentru DM intentionat asupra unui membru al factiuni LVSI.

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