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Vietnamese Boys - Învoiri activități | Pass requests


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@ ImpacT. invoire acceptata.

@ .AndreiM invoire acceptata.

@ Pinti invoire acceptata.

@ Scorpionn invoire acceptata.

@ LogoCMB invoire respinsa, ai fost la war.

@ South Staicu invoire respinsa, ai fost la war.

@ iNES. invoire acceptata.

@ South i S w i t c H invoire respinsa, ai fost la war.

O zi in plus la rank up



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On 8/27/2012 at 1:15 AM, ShlomY said:


Sistemul de "invoiri activitati" a fost schimbat in totalitate.



Invoiri activitati



Aveti dreptul doar la 2 invoiri pe saptamana.Invoirile trebuie facute cu un motiv foarte bine intemeiat.Invoirile facute aiurea vor fii respinse.

Absentii nemotivati vor fii sanctionati corespunzator.


- intr-o zi de war, numarul maxim de invoiri este de 5;

 - daca sunt 5 sau mai putine invoiri acestea vor fi acceptate automat;

 - daca sunt mai mult de 5 invoiri, primele 5 au prioritate, restul vor fi respinse. In cazul in care un membru care are invoire a fost prezent la war, invoirea lui nu o sa fie luata in considerare.






Ziua :Luni

Ma invoiesc de la:war


Motiv:sunt plecat 

Numar de invoiri pe aceasta saptamana(1/2; 2/2) :1

Alte precizari:.



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The system of "activity leave" was completely changed.

Activity leave
You have the right to only two leaves per week. The leaves must be made with a good reason behind them. Bad leave requests will be denied.
Groundless absentees will be sanctioned correspondingly.

 - on a war day, the maximum number of pass requests is 5.

 - if there are 5 or less pass requests, these are automatically accepted.

 - if there are more than 5 pass requests, the first 5 have priority, rest of them will be rejected. If a member with a pass request will join the wars, his request will be rejected.

I'm taking a leave from:
Number of leaves this week(1/2; 2/2):
Anything else:




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Rank: 2

I'm taking a leave from:war


Reason: internet problems 

Number of leaves this week(1/2; 2/2): 2/2

Anything else: succes

Edited by ImpacT.
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Nick: slvking

Rank: 6

Ziua: Vineri.

Ma invoiesc de la: War.

Data: 23/09/2022

Motiv: Sunt la sala si nu pot ajunge la timp.

Numar de invoiri pe aceasta saptamana(1/2; 2/2) : 2/2.

Alte precizari: Succes la war.

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