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How to make a lot of $ easy


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Most of you cows must be wondering, upon yourself, how to earn money like the rich people.


Step 1.


If your new, you need to get a job. A decent one which earns you a lot of money and doesn't need profit.


Do NOT become an arms dealer, this is a bad mistake. You will lose money and time by going to the materials factories.


Mechanic is OKAY, but I don't recommend it, because you only earn a bit of money, don't charge people $1000 for a repair or refill, make sure to do it cheaper than the business'.


The best jobs?


Farmer - It is fast but doesn't earn you a lot.


Trucker - The BEST, it earns you a lot of money. Each dropoff is around 4-5k. Also the LV dropoffs earn you 8k! However it takes about 7-10 minutes per dropoff, unless you have NOS :))


Step 2.


Your about a level 8, now you're bored of the jobs. Time for a better experience. What to do?


Do ROBS a LOT! I use to do this and i earnt about 1 mil per week with this method. I would do a rob with some skill 3-5's and you earn a lot of $. Then, put your person on /sleep a lot, when your going to bed. This will let you build up your rob points overnight or even in the day if you go to school etc.


This earns you a little more money, but if you wanna earn more and won't mind: you can continue doing secondary jobs.


Step 3.


Now, you are very bored of civilian, what next?


Apply for a LEVEL 5 Faction! Don't bother applying for level 10's if you are level 10-11. This is because the leaders don't think your a good experienced player and will think you will get punishments etc a lot! I got rejected in mafias ALL the time, eventually i got into Cuneo for my first family. This was at level 12.


Try applying for F/M, Taxi or SI. If you want to earn money DONT try NEWS REPORTER. News Reporter is mainly for people who are skilled with english / romanian grammar. I have to admit it is quite fun though, because you get to do lives and roleplay news, which is cool.


Also, make sure to SS skill ups in things, like if you got skill 5 detective, make a SS of /skill 1 or something in your /stats picture. This is so the leaders will like your experience.


Step 4.


Now, you may be level 15 or more, this is a really good achievement. Because you can now join more better factions and also leaders for level 10 mafias / factions will like it. But if you want to get into the departments, you need to be level 20 or more, why? Because leaders like seeing over leveled people applying. Unless you have about 2500 / 78 Respects points (example), then they would accept you.


The best factions for earning money REALLY fast are:


Police Department - You earn $17,000 each /ticket 35000, you get about 60% of the speeders ticket money, which is really good. Doing about 5 or 6 tickets will earn you something around 110k. Also speeders are always on the move, meaning you will never stop finding them, because people can't be bothered doing /speedlimit 100 or 160. Also at Rank 3 you can accept lawyer approvals, each one you do is a whopping 500k!!!


National Guard - This is a decent faction, won't earn you the MOST of money, but you do get some money from arrests. Also again you can accept lawyer approvals at rank 3.


FBI - Definetely the most fun out of all the departments in my opinion. Because you can go undercover etc. Also you will deal with drugs dealers etc. Also you accept lawyer approvals at rank 3 too.


Out of all the departments you get some good perks, e.g:


NG = Rank 3 - Can drive the PD infernus, can fly the HUNTER, can accept lawyer approvals.

FBI = Rank 3 - Can drive the PD infernus, can accept lawyer approvals. Can drive the FBI Rancher and some other stuff.

PD = Rank 3 - Can drive the PD infernus without asking on /d, can accept lawyer approvals, and can do a lot of other stuff. Also at rank 2 you can apply for the S.W.A.T team. This allows you to go after all wanted and robbers etc. This is the best perk out of all the departments. Also you can still do the tickets etc.


Step 4.


Save up! Don't spend time buying pointless cars with BIG TD, i made that mistake, i lost 10 million in 2 hours! Just join a faction and use the cars they have as transport, but don't keep them for a long time, because it's against rules to use them for personal use. But mafia cars are OKAY to do this with, don't use LSPD cars etc as personal cars.


Step 5.


Enjoy b-zone, don't worry too much about money, sometimes you go a little crazy cause of it, just enjoy and you'll see everything will become more easier.


I hope this helps you guys out, make sure to PM me with any more info you wanna add to this, i'll edit it.


By cows, your favourite person on b-zone!

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wow gg my friend, you have done a really good job.

But at step 3 u should add the link of my topic, so people can... u know... more convenient for them

+1 for you brother

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Step 4.


Make friends with all the rich people, sounds a little weird but it works. This is because when they leave they might give you all of their goods, which is really awesome. Just make sure to give it back if they want it.


I always thought you were a good friend :-W

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I always thought you were a good friend :-W


AHahahahaha, epic ! + 1 from me for this ahahahahaha can't stop laughing.


Nice tutorial my friend, just one question: Why didn't you put TTC = Tow Truck Company at level 5 factions ?!?!

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Nice job cow. You've put a lot of effort into this work. But.. there have been many other topics that relate to this one.


Next time before you post, make a search and see if anyone else posted something like that.


+1 from me though, anyhow.

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Thanks c0ws for your useful topic but step 4 isn't good way to be rich


I only added it for some people who want to do it, it's people's choice.

I always thought you were a good friend :-W


I don't do it, just a suggestion.

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Topic edited.


P.S, We can't have "Rich nabs" But you have your name as Sex Machine Bubii? LOL :|



Your topic has to be as serious as possible . That's why I told you to remove all those things . If you want people to take you seriously , you don't use this kind of expresions at your topics . This is how it works . Also, there isn't any rule about that . It just makes the topic better .


PS: People that know me for a while, they know who I am and how I react . My name on forum or in-game doesn't matter .


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